All Entries For New Year's resolutions

The Changes I Made in 2009

Now with 2009 behind me, taking time to reflect on the past 12 months has allowed me to set the course for the next year.
Posted 1/2/2010  2:00:00 PM By:   : 105 comments   23,987 views
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Taking Inventory for 2010: What's in Stock for You?

To me, an inventory is a chance to check in with my goals and gauge my progress. It's a chance to reflect on what I want to do with my life and to ensure I'm on the right path.
Posted 1/1/2010  10:00:00 AM By:   : 92 comments   29,448 views
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A Review Of My 2009 Resolutions

As 2010 begins and I start to think about my resolutions for this year, I thought it would be good to take a look at how I did with last year's resolutions.
Posted 1/1/2010  5:00:00 AM By:   : 41 comments   13,959 views
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Did Your 2009 Wishes Come True?

If not, do you know what stood in your way and what resolutions are necessary to achieve them in 2010?
Posted 12/31/2009  6:00:00 AM By:   : 73 comments   16,442 views
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New Year’s Resolutions: Have You Kept Yours?

I have never been one to set resolutions, but that does not mean I do not set goals each year. I am a firm believer that goals are what allow us to reach our full potential.
Posted 6/17/2009  6:00:26 PM By:   : 76 comments   10,625 views
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New Year's Wishes Check Up – How are YOU Doing?

We are two months into the New Year. How are you doing with your wishes?
Posted 3/5/2009  10:00:00 AM By:   : 64 comments   10,167 views
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Finding Balance: Where Do I Begin?

Starting over is hard. You were working toward your health and fitness goals and then life got in the way. Now the question becomes: How do you begin again?
Posted 2/10/2009  6:13:12 AM By:   : 116 comments   21,101 views
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How Are Your New Year's Resolutions Going?

I've decided to set some health and fitness goals for the year. I'm a little late for New Year's resolutions, but better late than never, right?
Posted 2/3/2009  4:00:00 PM By:   : 67 comments   8,953 views
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10 Ways to Make 2009 a Friendship-Filled Year

As you consider your 2009 New Year’s resolutions, think about these ideas for making 2009 healthy, happy and filled with friends.
Posted 1/3/2009  10:00:00 AM By:   : 95 comments   13,667 views
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500 Reasons to Join the New YOU Bootcamp Today

With a $500 grand prize on the line, it's like getting paid to work out!
Posted 1/2/2009  6:45:51 AM By:   : 129 comments   9,572 views
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Do You Take Inventory of Your Life?

At the end of the year, I reflect on life, take inventory of my accomplishments, setbacks and goals, and then I assign myself tasks for the coming year. Do you?
Posted 1/1/2009  4:08:05 PM By:   : 114 comments   50,322 views
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What Challenges Will You Take on in 2009?

Challenges, many times, are what define us. Who we are, what we are made of, and how we can change the path which we are on. What challenges will you tackle in 2009?
Posted 12/31/2008  5:00:00 PM By:   : 78 comments   9,884 views
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Exercise: The New Quit-Smoking Prescription

Are you resolving to give up cigarettes and get fit in 2009? Combining these two goals could actually increase your chances of success!
Posted 12/31/2008  7:37:15 AM By:   : 80 comments   25,424 views
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5 Fun Fitness Goals for When You're Looking for a New Challenge

Are you dreading exercise? Set a fun fitness goal instead!
Posted 12/30/2008  5:00:00 PM By:   : 202 comments   33,560 views
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Do Your New Year's Resolutions Produce Results?

I've never had much luck turning my New Year's resolutions into long-term results. But I think I know why...
Posted 12/30/2008  1:26:40 PM By:   : 111 comments   12,264 views
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