What Challenges Will You Take on in 2009?

By , SparkPeople Blogger
As another year comes to an end and a new one begins, many of us, me included, will set aside time to re-evaluate the events in our life and prepare the way for the events of 2009. While I have never been one to make yearly resolutions, I do like to set aside time to re-examine all the great and wonderful events of the past year, while allowing time to make way for new undertakings in the days, weeks, and months ahead.

I just heard on the news that 87% of all people who make resolutions will break them by the end of the January. With that being the case I wonder why so many of us make them to begin with. I think, at least for me, resolutions allow many of us an opportunity for a new beginning--time to wipe the slate clean and begin anew. But can’t every day or any day, for that matter, be the opportunity for starting fresh and new?

A few months ago I brought my uniform pants (these were the only remaining black pants that I could wear when I was a 190 pounds and therefore because I wore them almost every day my family nicknamed them my ‘uniform’ pants) into the gym to show my running group that I had indeed been almost 70 pounds heavier. Ashamedly, I pulled them out of my bag and raised them in disbelief that I had ever allowed myself to get that heavy. Well, that was when my running pal Chris piped in and said, “Nancy, being overweight was a blessing for you”--now I was about ready to belt him one when he said that especially since most men have no clue what they say is perceived by us women as an insult, but he went on to explain—“if you did not have the struggle with your weight, you would have never joined Sparkpeople where you have met some amazing friends. You would have never ventured into this gym where you had the opportunity to meet us (my running group), you may have never taken up running which has totally transformed your life beyond your limits and most importantly you weren't guaranteed to have a better or happier life if you were thin.” Talk about a V-8 moment!

So as January 1st quickly approaches, 2009 will be the year I go out of my comfort zone to take the leap into the world of new adventures. Below are some adventures I plan to undertake in the next 12 months.

  • I will continue to work on my nutrition. I am looking at a rainbow based diet. Now before you all wonder if this is the latest fad diet on the market, well not quite. It is a diet consisting of fruits and veggies in a number of different colors; in other words, eating at least 3 servings of veggies in varying colors-red, green, orange, yellow, purple, and white and 2 servings of fruit in the same color choices but you can only eat one color for each veggie or fruit. For example I will have a white banana for breakfast, green baby spinach with red bell peppers for lunch, followed by a serving of blueberries for a snack, and then yellow squash for my supper. Keep in mind this will also include some lean protein, whole grains and dairy products.
  • I am going to take a spin at spinning. Hearing that Stepfanie and Coach Nicole are both spinning aficionados, I think this activity is something so unlike running that I am more than up for the challenge of spinning my wheels. And so I am going to look at the class schedule when I head to the gym to see where the wheels will take me, even if that means I am cycling into a mirrored wall.
  • I have the cardio and strength training routine down pat, but now I really need to work on my flexibility, of which I am greatly lacking. Therefore, I am going to check out a Pilates class. I have been told it will really help with my running as I gain better core stability.
  • Finally, I am going to learn to love fish. I have been able to do well without it, but after reading all the great benefits of the Omega 3s, I decided that it is time for me to venture into the world of fish. Any and all suggestions on how I can better appreciate this great source of protein will be greatly appreciated.

    So as you say good bye to the past and look to the future, don’t forget to embrace where you are today. Life is so full of hopes and dreams, challenges and obstacles, but knowing that you have others to walk it with you every step of the way makes this journey-AMAZING! Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for making my life so meaningful. I think Chris was right-my weight issue was a blessing for without it, I would not be here today.

    I wish you all a VERY Happy and Healthy 2009!

    What challenges do you plan on taking on in 2009?