New Year’s Resolutions: Have You Kept Yours?

By , SparkPeople Blogger
I don’t know about you, but this year is flying by. It’s hard to believe in less than 2 weeks half the year will be well behind us with only 6 more months left to go until we begin 2010. This had me thinking it was time to re-evaluate my goals that I made 6 short months ago.

While I have never been one to make New Year’s Resolutions, I do like to set goals for myself to strive for each year. I believe goals are the fundamental driving force that keeps us on this path to healthy living.

So you may be asking how I have been doing with my own goals I set for myself this past January.

To give you a little refresher, my goals were to start eating fish, take up Pilates, and a step into the world of spinning.

Well, so far I have done two of the three. I am proud to report that I have started eating fish-thanks to everyone’s suggestions on preparedness. I now eat fish twice a week. I enjoy tilapia, tuna, and yes, even salmon--this from someone who didn’t even like the smell of fish prior to this January.

My second goal was to give a try at Pilates. I took my first class 4 weeks ago and I must say it is every bit the challenge that I expected it to be and then some. While I have never had much flexibility or core strength, I am learning the importance these two areas play in helping me, as a runner, have better stabilization, especially when fatigue begins to set in.

The only goal I have yet to tackle is the spinning class. One of the biggest reasons why I have not met this goal is because I made a new goal and that is to run my first marathon in October. This past February Coach Jen mentioned that she would be running the Chicago Marathon in October. She told me enrollment was opened and asked if that would be something I would consider doing.

It only took a few hours of reflection before I jumped at this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I looked at the website and I thought what do I have to lose? I have done a couple of half-marathons, so the next step would be to take on the full marathon distance. And who would want to miss the opportunity to run with Coach Jen at one of the best marathons in the country. So on February 16th, I signed up and paid for the Chicago Marathon. And let me tell you, it is by far a thrill to go out a run. It isn’t easy, but I know I have to do the work in order to finish.

So while I may not have reached all my goals I set for myself on January 1st, I am still on the path to healthy living. Remember goals aren’t written in stone; therefore, we can replace them with other ones that may be more appropriate as time goes on. But having goals certainly keeps me moving down the path of healthy living and they do add spice to our lives.

Have you kept any of your New Year’s Resolutions? If not, have you set new goals to help keep you motivated? How about setting new goals now?