New Year's Wishes Check Up – How are YOU Doing?

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Back in December I encouraged blog readers to list 3 wishes and resolve to make them come true.

Now that it is March and spring is just around the corner, how are you doing?

At the beginning of the year, I encouraged you to decide what two to three wishes your heart desired for 2009 and to write them down. I suggested you look at what you specifically needed to do differently to make each of those wishes come true. Finally, I recommended you resolve to take the specific action steps and behaviors necessary to make the changes you identified so your wishes will come true.

My wishes for 2009 were to:
  1. Redecorate my dining room.
  2. Take the family to New York City for vacation.
  3. Run in at least one race.

To make my wishes come true, I resolved to:
  1. Set time and money aside each month for the dining room project until it is complete.
  2. Change my weekly/monthly budget as necessary to save money for our trip while planning a trip based on the money saved.
  3. Eat, exercise and live a Spark life that allows me to be at the fitness level necessary to run in a race.

So, how am I doing? I am pleased to say that we completed the dining room project by the end of February. We have decided that a trip to New York City isn't in the budget or the time frame we have for this year. Instead, we are planning a trip a little closer to home which will likely be to the Dunes area of Michigan and the planning is underway. I am running several days a week and sticking to my Spark plan pretty well. My endurance has improved and I have dropped a few of those 'holiday' pounds as well. As the race season gets underway, my next step is to find the race date that fits best with my hectic schedule.

So how about you?

How are you doing with your wishes and resolve?

Did they go by way of every other resolution you have ever set or have you found that THIS is the year you have made it further toward your goals than ever before?

If you have hit a rough patch, let this be your encouragement to get back on track. If you are on your way and seeing progress, let this be your encouragement to keep going. If you did not start the year with any specific plans but would still like to see your wishes come true, let this restart your resolve to make 2009 the year you do it. You still have ten months left in the year, which is plenty of time to be successful.

If you didn't make your three wishes back in December – do it now and share them with us. If you did make your wishes, give us an update on how you are doing.