A Review Of My 2009 Resolutions

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Happy New Year!

As 2010 begins and I start to think about my resolutions for this year, I thought it would be good to take a look at how I did with last year's resolutions. I might not have done as well as I'd hoped, but hopefully the experiences of the past year will help me make a plan to be more successful this year.

Here's my 2009 list along with a progress report for each item:

1. Make a new healthy recipe for my family at least 3 times a month. I don't know that I made the goal of 3 times a month, but I did make an effort to find new recipes on SparkRecipes and made some "keepers" that were a hit with everyone.

2. Decrease my body fat. I'm still struggling with this one, as I just stopped nursing recently. This resolution will definitely be on the list for this year, too.

3. Spend at least 10 minutes each day doing something for myself (outside of exercising). I am terrible about making time for myself, but my husband has been trying to get me to do more of it lately. So hopefully with his help, I'll get better at this one.

4. Train for a fall marathon, with a goal to complete it in less than 4:20. I ran the Chicago Marathon in 4:29. I didn't quite reach my time goal, but finishing the race as the mom of two little ones is a big accomplishment regardless of my time.

5. Take time each day to be grateful for everything I have. I don't think I'll ever get good enough at this to take it off my list. That's a permanent resolution for me.

So it might seem like I didn't do so well, but I feel like I put some pretty challenging tasks on my list for last year. Instead of beating myself up about the shortcomings, this gives me the resolve to work harder to make this year the best one yet.

How about you? How did you do with your 2009 resolutions? What kinds of things will be on your list for 2010?