All Entries For spark spotlight

Spark Spotlight: Sandra (SILVERSPARROW04)

It's not easy waking up before sunrise to squeeze in a workout--but Sandra has discovered that the payoff is definitely worth it!
Posted 4/16/2018  12:00:00 AM By:   : 54 comments   17,335 views
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Spark Spotlight: Michelle (SHELLEYMCELROY6)

Michelle says the key is making exercise so much fun that you'll actually want to do it.
Posted 4/9/2018  12:00:00 AM By:   : 41 comments   18,348 views
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Spark Spotlight: Dawn (PENNYLANE15)

A big congrats to Dawn for reaching her 5-year anniversary of losing 100 pounds -- and keeping it off!!
Posted 4/2/2018  12:00:00 AM By:   : 67 comments   18,092 views
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Spark Spotlight: Monty (MIRAGE727)

Monty is proud of completing his first duathlon of the year!
Posted 3/26/2018  12:00:00 AM By:   : 37 comments   18,092 views
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Spark Spotlight: Trista (CTMOM)

Trista is celebrating hitting the 45-pound weight loss mark!
Posted 3/12/2018  12:00:00 AM By:   : 47 comments   10,805 views
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Spark Spotlight: Lori (LORI_LIFTS)

This week, Lori created a vision board to help keep her motivated along her journey.
Posted 3/5/2018  12:00:00 AM By:   : 31 comments   13,081 views
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Spark Spotlight: Celia (LAWLI56)

This week, Celia was excited to donate a bag of clothes that are now too big for her!
Posted 2/26/2018  12:00:00 AM By:   : 22 comments   7,697 views
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Spark Spotlight: Jessica (JESS0000)

This week, Jessica is proud of not letting a tough couple of days derail her long-term goals.
Posted 2/5/2018  12:00:00 AM By:   : 11 comments   7,525 views
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Spark Spotlight: Doris (PRIMEOFMYLIFE)

In this week's Spotlight, we congratulate Doris for pushing through a plateau and sticking with her nutrition and exercise plan.
Posted 1/29/2018  12:00:00 AM By:   : 33 comments   9,748 views
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Spark Spotlight: Saedah (LADYSAE)

This week, Saedah is proud of herself for making the time for early-morning exercise. She's down eight pounds and counting!
Posted 1/22/2018  12:00:00 AM By:   : 17 comments   10,274 views
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Spark Spotlight: Crystal (SHESHNA)

As a mom and full-time student, Crystal's biggest challenge has been juggling being a mom and a full-time student while trying to stay active along with eating healthy.
Posted 1/15/2018  12:00:00 AM By:   : 20 comments   7,530 views
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Spark Spotlight: Fredielyn (MARINGAL)

This week, we check in with Fredielyn from California, who shares her small success, her biggest challenge and her advice for new SparkPeople members.
Posted 1/8/2018  12:00:00 AM By:   : 18 comments   5,232 views
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Spark Spotlight: Geri, The Comeback Kid

In this week's Spotlight, Geri, 'The Comeback Kid,' shares her weekly triumphs and challenges, along with some great advice for those who are new to SparkPeople.
Posted 1/1/2018  12:00:00 AM By:   : 24 comments   12,641 views
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