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Standing Overhead Triceps Pull on Cable Cross Machine Exercise

Standing Overhead Triceps Pull on Cable Cross Machine

Starting Position Select desired weight. Stand near the left side of the cable cross machine and adjust that pulley to the highest position. Place the handle grip attachment onto the pulley’s carabiner. Stand facing away from the weight stack, with both hands gripping handle, palms facing forward, arms bent (but overhead), feet staggered, back straight and abs engaged. Step forward until the weight is lifted off the stack in this starting position and pitch slightly forward from the waist.

Action EXHALE: Extend the elbows to lift the weight stack, as if bringing your hands towards the opposite side of the cable cross machine.

INHALE: Slowly bend the elbows to return to the start position to complete one rep.

Special Instructions Keep the upper arms stationary and close to the sides of the head. Keep the elbows pointed forward, not out to the sides.

Muscles Worked: Triceps

Exercise Categories: Advanced Gym Machines Upper Body Strength