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Straight-Arm Lat Pulldown on Cable Cross Machine Exercise

Straight-Arm Lat Pulldown on Cable Cross Machine

Starting Position Select desired weight. Stand near left side of cable cross machine and adjust that pulley to the highest position. Place straight T-bar attachment onto the pulley’s carabiner. Stand facing the weight stack with an overhand grip on the bar, arms reaching straight up to the bar. Keep back straight, feet hip-width apart and abs engaged.

Action EXHALE: Keep arms straight (but not locked) as you pull the bar down towards the front of the thighs.

INHALE: Slowly return arms back up to the start position to complete one rep.

Special Instructions Do not lean back as you lower the bar. For greater balance and stability, stand with feet wider than the hips. Keep elbows just slightly bent throughout movement.

Muscles Worked: Back (lats), triceps

Exercise Categories: Advanced Gym Machines Upper Body Strength