A lifelong Cincinnatian, Melissa earned a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from University of Cincinnati before breaking into the online content field in 2000. As a Digital Journalist for SparkPeople, she enjoys helping others meet their wellness goals by writing about all aspects of healthy living. An avid runner and group fitness addict, Melissa lives in Loveland with her guitarist husband and three feisty daughters.

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Winner, Winner, 4 Ways to Chicken Dinner

"What's for dinner?" It seems like an easy enough question, but when it's asked 365 times a year, the answers may start to become a bit repetitive—or downright dull. Between work, school and activities, coming up with fresh meal ideas on the daily is a tall order. But with a little creativity and planning, you can prep just once and get four meals out of it.

Posted 3/14/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 27 comments   49,069 views

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Spark It or Scrap It: Can Avocado Oil Improve Your Health?

The avocado has a long, rich history: There is evidence that the avocado tree was grown approximately 10,000 years ago in Coaxcatlan, Puebla (Mexico). Since 500 B.C., the fruit had been an essential food source in Mexico, Central America and South America. During the 16th century, it was highly popular among the Spanish conquistadors. In the early 1900s, farmers in Florida, California and Hawaii began growing the avocado as a commercial crop, but it would be another half century before the fruit gained widespread appeal.
According to Pinterest, avocado oil will take coconut oil's place as one of the top 10 trending foods for 2016. From salad dressings to skin care, it’s everywhere: There are thousands of “avocado” hashtags on Instagram. Its popularity has grown consistently year-over-year; as of 2014, Americans purchased around 4.25 billion avocados. That’s a lot of guacamole. But do the benefits warrant the buzz?

Posted 3/14/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 33 comments   41,045 views

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Splenda Possibly Linked to Cancer, New Study Finds

Since its 1999 debut, Splenda has become the country's most popular artificial sweetener, not only for sweetening coffee and tea, but also for cooking and baking. Until now, the sucralose-based Splenda has been considered a safe sugar substitute, but a new study has shown that it could possibly be linked to cancer and other major health issues.

Posted 3/11/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 38 comments   109,530 views

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What 'Secret Weapons' Do Nutritionists & Trainers Have in Their Homes?

You know that sticking to a workout plan and healthy diet is by no means easy—but fitness trainers and nutritionists somehow make it look effortless. What's their secret? Obviously, discipline and dedication are key, but do they rely on certain workout tools, superfoods or devices to achieve such spectacular results?

Posted 3/10/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 40 comments   90,045 views

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Burn It to Earn It: The Girl Scout Cookie Edition

There are certain things you can't escape in March: Green beer, spring cleaning, basketball brackets…and Girl Scout cookies. You don't have to live with a scout—or even know one—to feel the pressure to indulge. Between grocery-store stands and sweet-talking co-workers, not even the most disciplined dieter is safe from the sugary temptation.

Posted 3/9/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 22 comments   56,040 views

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Beginner Tips Every Wannabe Yogi Should Know

Considering stretching out of your comfort zone and trying a yoga class for the first time? This ancient practice has the power to strengthen your body, melt away stress and invigorate your spirit.

One of the best things about yoga is that people of all fitness levels can participate--whether you're a seasoned athlete who needs to enhance your flexibility or you've never exercised a day in your life, there's a place on the mat for you.

That said, a little knowledge goes a long way toward a successful session. Before you strike a pose, check out our cheat sheet. Learn it, print the graphic and pass it on to anyone else who's ready to break onto the yoga scene.

Posted 3/4/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 68 comments   100,504 views

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What's Your Spark?

According to a Gallup poll, more than half of all Americans have a desire to lose weight, but only about a quarter of them are actually working toward that goal. That means roughly 25 percent are actively trying to shed pounds and embrace healthier lifestyles. So what sets those go-getters apart from the people who haven't gotten off the couch?

Posted 2/29/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 60 comments   42,078 views

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$20 Food Showdown: Fast Food vs. Healthy Food (2016)

Of all the excuses for unhealthy eating, cost is one of the biggest. Many people assume they can't afford to buy healthy food, and that it would be cheaper to grab fast food rather than plan meals and cook at home.

To debunk the myth that healthy eating is expensive, we headed to our local grocery store--and a few fast food restaurants--to see how much $20 could buy. In most cases, our money went farther at the grocery than the drive-thru. We think this shows that healthy eating is possible on any budget.

Posted 2/29/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 79 comments   117,648 views

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The Hidden Heart Attack: New Study Explores How Women Are Missing the Signs of a Cardiac Event

When most of us think of someone having a heart attack, we picture the typical movie or TV version, where the person grabs his or her chest and falls to the ground. But in reality, a cardiac event rarely occurs in such a dramatic fashion. In fact, you could very well chalk the symptoms up to a case of indigestion.

Posted 2/26/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 10 comments   112,997 views

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This Spud's for You: Why (and How) to Eat More Potatoes

Mashed, baked, scalloped, fried: With so many ways to prepare and enjoy it, the potato is one of the world's most versatile foods—and perhaps one of the most underrated. In honor of Potato Lover's Month, brought to us by the Idaho Potato Commission, let's give this hardworking vegetable the attention it deserves.

Posted 2/18/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 20 comments   49,203 views

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6 Weirdest Fad Diets of 2016 (So Far)

Each year seems to usher in a new wave of fad diets. In 2015, millions of dieters tried the PaleoMediterranean, Flexitarian, South Beach, Zone and Macrobiotic regimes. Although some can be beneficial, most trendy weight loss plans usually pick up steam quickly and fizzle out just as fast. Although we're only a couple of months into 2016, some new dietary crazes are already making headlines.

Posted 2/16/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 17 comments   65,068 views

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15 Unconventional Lent Ideas

If you haven’t yet decided how to participate in the Lenten season, but still want to be a part of this period of introspection and self-improvement, you’ve got plenty of time.

Posted 2/12/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 67 comments   127,874 views

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The Top 6 Healthy Super Bowl Commercials

Most Super Bowl gatherings are more focused on food than football—and from chicken wings to cheese sticks, it's an event not likely to score many points in the healthy category. But not all of the big game's moments focused on overindulgence: There was a handful of advertisers who bucked the unhealthy trend and featured fitness-focused commercials. 

Posted 2/8/2016  8:00:00 AM By:   : 4 comments   14,333 views

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Not-So-Fat Tuesday: Slimming Down Mardi Gras Recipes

When you think of Mardi Gras, you probably imagine streets filled with costumed revelers and Creole music, with plenty of drinking and bead throwing—but another main player in this delightfully decadent holiday is the food.

Posted 2/5/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 11 comments   46,692 views

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30 Things Top Trainers Never Leave Home Without

The most important ingredient in any successful fitness routine is motivation. By focusing on why you want to lose weight or embrace a healthier lifestyle, you'll be much more likely to overcome obstacles, silence excuses and slam-dunk your goals.

Posted 2/2/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 15 comments   51,651 views

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