Burn It to Earn It: The Girl Scout Cookie Edition

By , Melissa Rudy, Health & Fitness Journalist
There are certain things you can't escape in March: Green beer, spring cleaning, basketball brackets…and Girl Scout cookies. You don't have to live with a scout—or even know one—to feel the pressure to indulge. Between grocery-store stands and sweet-talking co-workers, not even the most disciplined dieter is safe from the sugary temptation.
Whether you're a sucker for Samoas or visions of (not-so) Thin Mints are dancing in your head, moderation is key. Before "just a couple" turns into an entire sleeve, take a look at how much exercise you'll have to do to burn off each serving.

*Calories burned information based on person weighing 155 pounds.

Want to enjoy the flavor of Girl Scout cookies without the extra calories and sugar? Try these homemade recipes and substitute your favorite healthy ingredient swaps.
What's your favorite Girl Scout cookie? Is it worth the extra calorie burn?