A lifelong Cincinnatian, Melissa earned a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from University of Cincinnati before breaking into the online content field in 2000. As a Digital Journalist for SparkPeople, she enjoys helping others meet their wellness goals by writing about all aspects of healthy living. An avid runner and group fitness addict, Melissa lives in Loveland with her guitarist husband and three feisty daughters.

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Ditch the Drive-Thru & Make Healthy Versions at Home

When you're racing against the clock, the convenience of the drive-thru can be tough to ignore, especially when you've got a hankering for your greasiest guilty pleasure. But go ahead and put that fry down: There is a better way. You can cater to that craving without getting crushed by calories, fat and sodium. A little planning can pay off: By preparing these fast-food copycats at home, you can also save more than a few bucks.

Posted 4/22/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 45 comments   77,540 views

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20 Ways to Show the Earth Some Love

What have you done for the planet lately? It's done some pretty amazing things for us, such as providing us with a place to live and sustenance to keep us alive. If you've been more of a taker than a giver, Earth Day is the perfect time to turn over a new leaf and give the planet some props.

Posted 4/19/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 32 comments   29,054 views

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22 Free Apps You Need to Download Now to Reach Your Goals

While we know our members love using SparkPeople's free mobile apps to track food, fitness and trends on the go, there are lots of other quality apps that make it easy to embrace a healthy lifestyle. To help you narrow down the thousands of nutrition and fitness apps on the market, we asked SparkPeople's resident experts and members to hand-pick their favorites. Each app is free to download (although some offer paid upgrades to advanced features).

Posted 4/18/2016  1:00:00 AM By:   : 75 comments   138,781 views

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A Cheap Cure for Blisters Could Be in Your Junk Drawer

To a runner, walker or hiker, a blister is like kryptonite. It may not look like much, but even the smallest patch of irritated, inflamed skin is enough to stop any foot-propelled workout in its tracks.

Posted 4/15/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 38 comments   72,303 views

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Half the Woman: SparkPeople Member Celebrates 174-Pound Weight Loss

SparkPeople member Autumn Conley has a lot to celebrate. Just this morning, she reached her goal weight of 155, having lost a total of 174 pounds—more than half her body weight, and the equivalent of 17 bags of potatoes.

Posted 4/14/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 158 comments   157,073 views

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Is Your Baby Destined to be Fat? Start Mindful Eating at an Early Age

You probably don't see many kids tracking their food or counting their steps. That's because dieting and weight loss are generally adult concerns—after all, youngsters still have lightning-fast metabolisms and don't need to worry about their weight, right? Well, yes and no. While it's true that children have a higher metabolic rate, it's never too early to start fostering healthy eating habits. In fact, some recent research has found that adopting mindful practices as early as infancy can have dramatic effects on long-term health.

Posted 4/13/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 13 comments   28,128 views

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Pacing & Fueling along the Half Marathon Race Route

As we head into the last few weeks of our half-marathon training, us Spark runners are starting to discuss the logistics of the upcoming Flying Pig. Alongside the details of where to park, what to wear and what to bring comes the exciting, if slightly scary, realization that the race is no longer just a fanciful "what if" idea. It's really happening.

Posted 4/12/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 13 comments   29,020 views

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10 Healthy Snacks to Stash at Work

When you work outside the home, sticking to a nutritious, low-calorie diet requires some extra planning. Kudos to you for starting your day with a smart breakfast and taking the time to plan healthy lunches. But when those three o'clock cravings kick in, will you be prepared?

Posted 4/8/2016  1:00:00 AM By:   : 155 comments   144,776 views

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Skip the Skim: New Study Says Full-Fat Dairy Could Fight Diabetes & Obesity

You already know that milk does a body good—it's an essential source of vitamins, minerals and proteins. And the general consensus has been that skim or low-fat dairy is a better choice than full-fat—even the USDA's Dietary Guidelines recommend fat-free milk. But some new research suggests skipping the skim can be beneficial. So if you've been tolerating the watered-down version for the sake of your waistline, this could be the full-fat green light you’ve been waiting for.

Posted 4/7/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 46 comments   25,783 views

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For a Good Night's Sleep, Try Steak

Out of all the nutrients, protein arguably gets the most attention—and for good reason. It's pretty powerful stuff. Its most important job is building and repairing muscles, which is why athletes and bodybuilders are so adamant about getting enough protein in their diets. Protein also creates antibodies to fight off disease and infection, hemoglobin to ensure adequate oxygen supply and hormones to keep bodily functions humming along smoothly. What's more, it keeps you feeling fuller longer, which aids in weight loss. As if that wasn't enough, a new study from Purdue University suggests that protein may also help you sleep better.

Posted 4/1/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 45 comments   43,376 views

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9 Ways to Spring Clean Your Way to Fit

"There's just not enough time." It's one of the most common excuses for not exercising regularly—and one of the most easily debunked. If you really are too busy to get to the gym, you don’t even have to leave your house to fit in a good workout. There are countless ways to combine exercise with daily tasks.
Statistics show that women spend more than an hour each day on cleaning, laundry and other household tasks, and that's likely to increase during spring cleaning season. Why not seize the opportunity to turn your to-do list items into major calorie burners? Whether it's routine vacuuming or scrubbing windows, nearly any household chore can double as a workout.

Posted 3/25/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 27 comments   55,251 views

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Brown-Bagging Made Easy: 5 Healthy Lunch Ideas

Between work, school, sports and countless other to-do items, finding the time to pack a healthy lunch every day can seem about as likely as having a winning lottery ticket. But with a little planning and not as much time as you might think, nutritious mid-day meals are well within reach.

Posted 3/25/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 60 comments   154,364 views

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Pioneers of the Plus-Size Movement

From Sports Illustrated swimsuit covers to curvier Barbie dolls, so-called "plus size" physiques are making headlines this season. But that leaves millions of women questioning the true meaning of that term.

Posted 3/21/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 76 comments   61,789 views

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To Wave or Not to Wave: What's the Proper Running/Walking Etiquette?

I still remember my first runner's wave. I'd just started dabbling with the run/walk training method, feeling a bit like an impostor, when a woman came running purposefully toward me. Judging by her gazelle-like form and fluorescent gear, she was a "serious" runner, on a completely different level than my experimental jogging. That's probably why I was a bit shocked when she lifted one hand in greeting and said a breathless "Hey." Caught off guard, I turned as she passed, but it was too late to reciprocate—the running wave has a very short window. Blink and you'll miss it.

Posted 3/18/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 102 comments   76,913 views

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7 Things Marathoners Wish They'd Known Before Their First Race

With the combination of warm sunshine, crisp temperatures and lush new growth, it's no wonder spring is prime marathon season. The popularity of marathons continues to grow: According to Running USA's Annual Marathon Report, there has been a 40 percent increase in U.S. marathon and half-marathon finishers over the past decade. If you're planning a spring race like we are, you're (hopefully) right in the thick of your training program. Heading into these final few weeks, it's important to avoid injury, stay motivated and keep your eyes on the prize.

Posted 3/16/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 45 comments   61,769 views

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