All Entries For olympics

What I Learned From the Gnarliest Match One Olympian Ever Played

The inspiring words of this four-time Olympian are still echoing in my head.
Posted 9/2/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 5 comments   16,895 views
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Puppies: The Ultimate Workout Motivation

It's August and the only things on our mind are girl power, puppy power and herb power.
Posted 8/5/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 2 comments   27,009 views
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Healthy Choices Aren't Always Easy, No Matter Who You Are

Olympic athletes don't get their bodies without a lot of hard work. Because they are being told what and when to eat and when to eat is it easier for them? My guess is "no."
Posted 9/4/2012  10:00:00 AM By:   : 28 comments   17,911 views
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The Olympics Workout Game: Work Out While You Watch

Who says you have to be a world-class athlete to take part in the Olympics? We came up with a fun game that lets you work out while you watch!
Posted 7/27/2012  10:00:00 AM By:   : 45 comments   49,522 views
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Our Exclusive Interview with Olympic Swimmer Natalie Coughlin

Ever wonder what the most decorated female swimmer in history eats for a snack? How does she train? How does she stay motivated? Find out now.
Posted 4/20/2011  2:00:37 PM By:   : 8 comments   19,080 views
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Our Exclusive Interview with 4-Time Olympic Speed Skater Jennifer Rodriguez

Jennifer Rodriguez came out of retirement to compete in her fourth Winter Olympics. A few months back, she talked with the dailySpark!
Posted 2/25/2010  6:04:27 AM By:   : 39 comments   20,275 views
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Exclusive: Olympic Curler Nicole Joranstaad Talks to the dailySpark

Curler Nicole Joranstaad shares her favorite meals, tips on staying motivated and common misconceptions about her sport.
Posted 2/24/2010  10:50:07 AM By:   : 71 comments   13,714 views
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Is A Thin Body Celebrated More Than A Fit One?

Most female Olympic athletes wouldn't grace the cover of a women's magazine or walk the runway at a fashion show. Why? Because they aren't skinny.
Posted 2/23/2010  2:17:39 PM By:   : 265 comments   36,661 views
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An Exclusive Interview with Olympic Alpine Skier Julia Mancuso

Julia Mancuso is now the most accomplished American skier in Olympic history--and we have an interview with her!
Posted 2/22/2010  5:17:18 PM By:   : 38 comments   16,930 views
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'I Carried the Olympic Torch!'

SparkPeople member ALLEYCAT12380 shares her story about what it was like to carry the Olympic torch.
Posted 2/12/2010  5:12:52 PM By:   : 197 comments   21,004 views
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Eat Like an Olympic Athlete

Regardless of the sport or specific nutritional prescription, an athlete's nutritional starting point is the same. Learn how you can eat like the Olympic champions.
Posted 2/8/2010  5:00:00 AM By:   : 63 comments   28,465 views
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80 Pounds Gone, Now I'm Carrying the Olympic Torch

For the past few months, the 29-year-old happily married store clerk from Manitoba, Canada, has been working out with one goal in mind: Carrying the Olympic torch.
Posted 12/31/2009  10:01:01 AM By:   : 233 comments   23,642 views
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Just 99 Days Until the Winter Olympics

The countdown is on. Just 99 days left until the 2010 Winter Olympics begin in Vancouver. Here's a preview of what to expect!
Posted 11/5/2009  4:13:53 PM By:   : 113 comments   15,785 views
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INTERVIEW: Swimmer Dara Torres on the Power of Positivity

Olympic swimmer Torres recently took some time between swimming in the National and World Championships to answer some of our questions. Find out what keeps her going!
Posted 8/6/2009  6:06:32 AM By:   : 55 comments   35,916 views
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The Agony of Defeat or the Courage to Carry on

Even the world's greatest athletes fall short of reaching their goals, but when you fall short of your own expectations, do you have the courage it takes to carry on?
Posted 9/13/2008  12:00:50 PM By:   : 35 comments   6,104 views
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