An Exclusive Interview with Olympic Alpine Skier Julia Mancuso

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Remember last year when I got a sneak peek at the Vancouver Olympics venues and met some amazing athletes? Well, for the last week or so, I've had my eye on some of those athletes. I wanted to bring you some of the interviews I did with them--and update you on their successes. Starting today, you can read their stories!

Julia Mancuso is now the most accomplished American skier in Olympic history, thanks to her gold in Torino in the giant slalom and a pair of silvers in Vancouver (downhill and combined). She chatted with me in between training sessions. Earlier in the day, she also demonstrated some of her off-the-slopes training moves--including standing on a stability ball!

Stepfanie: You're very into giving back. Could you tell me why you think that's important?

Julia: I just feel really fortunate for all that I've been given, and to be getting paid to do what I do--the most fun thing in my life. I feel like it's really important to share the wealth and spread the love to people who need it and causes I believe in, like climate change.

Stepfanie: You're a skier and you ended up in Hawaii. How did that happen?

Julia: I lived in Kauai until I was 6, and my family has been back and forth between the islands and California. It was a place I'd always wanted to go back to, and then finally my dad started spending more time there. … I've been there five years now. It's a great place to go back to after a long dry winter season.

photo courtesy of Nike

Stepfanie: How do you stay motivated when you have an off day? What keeps you going?

Julia: I just try to be positive, and I guess it's something mental. I just have to make myself get up and go. The first few steps are always hard, but once you get out and breathe the fresh air, it's always nice. Once I start moving my body, I feel good.

Those first 10 minutes, you just have to power through.

Stepfanie: What advice would you have for people who aren't very active in life? Where should they look to find motivation?

Julia: I think it's the same thing. If you try to find 10 minutes every day, and just get out there--run, put on workout clothes, that's a start. It might help you get (the motivation) to go for a walk or go for a run. It's a ripple effect once you get going, you'll want to do more and more and more.

Stepfanie: How important is nutrition to your training program?

Julia: I like to be a healthy person. I eat a lot of organics and be well-rounded. I think I'm lucky because I'm in a sport that’s kind of more dynamic--it's not super strict. There are all shapes and sizes of ski racers, so it's just feeling the most comfortable with your own body.

Did you tune in to watch Julia win her two silvers? Come back Wednesday for my interview with Olympic curler Nicole Joranstaad!

See more: celebrity olympics