Just 99 Days Until the Winter Olympics

By , SparkPeople Blogger
The countdown is on. Just 99 days left until the 2010 Winter Olympics begin in Vancouver. Having spent a couple of days in that fair city last month, I can tell you that the excitement is already palpable.

I love the Olympics, both Winter and Summer. Sports don't exist in my world normally. (If you ever see me in the vicinity of a ball, duck and run! And if I've got a bat or a racket, run faster. I'm not violent--just really clumsy!) But from the Opening Ceremonies to the Closing, I'm glued to the TV. Suddenly, sports are really exciting to me. It makes me proud to be an American--and even prouder when I watch athletes from other, smaller countries win when they truly deserve it. During the Olympics, there's such a love-thy-neighbor mentality. Unlike during other sporting events, there's no hostility, no swearing, no smack talk. It's just peace, love and good sportsmanship. (That's probably not 100% correct, but just let me live in my fantasy world, OK?)

Two of my favorite winter sports are figure skating, with its simultaneous grace, strength and beauty, and hockey, which takes a level of guts that I don't possess.

As a preview of our Olympic coverage, today I'm sharing with you two videos of Olympic athletes showing off their best moves, which I took last month in Vancouver:

First, hockey player Angela Ruggiero demonstrates her speed, agility and coordination on the ice.

Then, Keauna McLaughlin and Rockne Brubaker perform one of their figure skating routines.

Are you excited for the Olympics? What is your favorite Olympic sport?
Photo courtesy of Nike, of Olympic athletes and hopefuls

See more: celebrity olympics