One Easy Way to Stay on Track in December

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Thanksgiving is coming up in just a few short days, and you might still be participating in our November #Fit2Feast challenge (WooHoo!). We know that it’s tough to stay motivated leading up to the holiday season, so congratulations for participating and making it this far already!

You might have made some good strides (hah!) with our November challenge, but we recognize that you’re probably going to need some motivation to stay on track through the busy month of December—which can easily be the hardest month of the year to stick with a healthy eating and exercise program. There always seems to be an endless barrage of feasts, family gatherings and work parties to attend! However, we’ve seen time and again how just a little bit of accountability can go a long way, no matter what the time of year (yes, even in December). And that’s why, by popular demand, we’re hosting a challenge to get you through the bulk of the winter holiday season. Welcome to our #SparkTheSeason challenge! 

This time, we’re changing things up a bit. Our #Fit2Feast challenge was focused on getting in at least 10 minutes of exercise every day leading up until Thanksgiving. But we realize that, during the holidays, you might have a variety of different consistency-related goals that you’d like to focus on. So, for our #SparkTheSeason challenge, we’re encouraging you to pick your own goal to focus on for the month of December. It can be anything you want, as long as it’s something that serves a purpose for YOU during the holiday season. For example, you could set a goal to:
  • Take at least 10 minutes of time to de-stress each day
  • Dedicate a little time each evening toward a major project you want to complete by the end of the year
  • Eat at least 5 fruits and veggies each day to counteract heavy holiday meals
  • Meditate for a few minutes each morning before the craziness of the day sets in
  • Focus some daily time on building a skill you’ve been meaning to master this year
  • Continue with your goal of 10 minutes of fitness per day
The sky's the limit! Just remember, the more Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely your goal is, the easier it will be to complete it! You can learn more about SMART goals and get started with a helpful, printable worksheet here.

Make this the year when you stick to your guns and stay on track over the holidays! How awesome would it feel to accomplish something big to kick off 2014 on a healthy and productive note? You can do this—and we’re here to help you along the way! We will be posting daily tips and motivation on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+ using the #SparkTheSeason hashtag. 

Here are four ways to participate (don't worry--you only have to pick one!):

1) Every day in December, you can post to FacebookTwitter, or Google+
 with the hashtag #SparkTheSeason to let us know what your goal is and how your progress is going. Then, we'll serve up tips and encouragement to keep you headed in the right direction!

2) Comment on our pins on Pinterest, or pin your own personal goal-related images with the hashtag #SparkTheSeason.

3) If you don't feel like making your own specific goal, you can participate in  our Instagram photo-a-day challenge every day in December! Simply post a photo to your Instagram account with the hashtag #SparkTheSeason, following the daily themes in the graphic below!  

4) Finally, if you don't use social media, start a SparkStreak and update your SparkPage status or blog every day to keep yourself accountable! 

So, who’s in for #SparkTheSeason? Let’s finish out 2013 with a bang!!

Psst! Don't forget to "Like" us on Facebook and follow us on InstagramTwitterPinterest, and Google+  for daily tips and encouragement!