10 Ways to Spring Clean Your Life

By , SparkPeople Blogger

When you hear the term “spring cleaning,” you might think of finally tackling that overflowing junk drawer, purging the pantry of anything past its prime or spending some quality time with the neglected baseboards. But the season of renewal doesn’t have to be limited to conquering clutter and fighting filth. It’s also an opportune time to refresh any daily routines, habits or choices that might not be benefiting your physical, mental or emotional wellness.

Not sure where to start? Here are just some of the ways you might be able to purge stressful or toxic elements from your life for a healthier, happier and more productive spring.

  • Streamline your subscriptions. In our automated world, it’s easy for subscriptions to pile up, often without us even knowing about it. Unsubscribe from any emails, physical catalogs, digital content or anything else that you no longer find relevant, useful or enjoyable.
  • Clean your social media house. Take some time to go through your friends or followers on your social media accounts, and remove, hide or unfollow any that seem to foster negativity or that don’t inform, entertain or inspire you.
  • Check your attitude barometer. A few times a day, check in with yourself—perhaps first thing in the morning, at the mid-day mark and in the evening—and evaluate the attitude you are embracing. If it’s drifting toward negativity, make a conscious choice to shift to a more positive outlook.
  • De-clutter your digital life. It might not be visible like physical dirt and debris, but clutter on your computer, smartphone or other devices can still weigh you down. Lighten your virtual load by purging and reorganizing your hard drive or cloud storage.
  • Set a new fitness challenge. Even if exercise is already part of your daily life, it’s a good idea to shake up your routine now and then to force yourself out of your comfort zone. Maybe that means registering for a race, pushing for a longer distance or faster speed, or enrolling in a class you’ve been wanting to try.
  • Do a good, old-fashioned closet purge. Get rid of anything you haven’t worn in the past year—including any clothes you’ve been clinging to for way too long in hopes that you’ll be able to wear them again. Keep only those items that are comfortable and flattering.
  • Fix it or forget it. You know those broken items you've been hanging onto with the best of repair intentions? From flat bicycle tires to busted lamps to wobbly tables, phsyical disrepair can trigger feelings of stress and anxiety. Take steps to restore the items or release them from your life so you can start fresh.
  • Find your inner zen. While it’s not possible to remove all sources of stress, healthy coping mechanisms can make it easier to manage. Try introducing meditation, mindfulness, yoga, stretching, relaxing bubble baths or whatever practice brings more calm and serenity to your life.
  • Embrace a new hobby. Whatever it is you’ve been wanting to try—pottery-making, aerial yoga, poetry writing, bouquet-making—take the first step toward giving it a go. You just might discover a new passion in life, which can also serve as a major de-stressor and source of motivation.
  • Do a diet analysis. What are you eating that fuels and nourishes you? Conversely, what poor choices are having no benefit (or detracting from your health)? It might be a good idea to consult with a registered dietitian or nutritionist who can evaluate your food intake and recommend a varied meal plan with the right mix of nutrients.