Let’s Move! and Physical Activity: Nominate a Champion of Change

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Hey, SparkPeople! We know that plenty of you are Spreading the Spark and sharing your passion for healthy living beyond the confines of the internet. We've heard stories of how you influence your friends, your co-workers, your family, and even your kids and your community through your healthy habits and better choices. Every meal you make, every workout you complete, every pound you lose--it all gets noticed.

Back when SparkPeople was a mere "spark" in Chris Downie's eye, his own healthy habits inspired his co-worker, which in turn inspired others. All these years later, look at how many people Chris' healthy choices have affected and motivated! We know plenty of you have stories that are equally as inspiring.

We want you to get the recognition you deserve, so that's why we're so excited to tell you about the The White House Champions of Change initiative for physical activity.  The deadline is January 23 at midnight, so you don't have much time!

What is it?
The White House Champions of Change program highlights the stories and examples of citizens across the country that represents President Obama's vision of out-innovating, out-educating, and out-building the rest of the world through projects and initiatives that move their communities forward.

More than one out of every three American children is overweight or obese, placing them at greater risk for chronic disease and contributing to rising health care costs, as well as declining productivity. In 2009, the magnitude of the problem moved First Lady Michelle Obama to launch Let’s Move!, a comprehensive, collaborative initiative to combat childhood obesity. Last April, the White House hosted a Champions of Change event to highlight the work of chefs in improving school nutrition programs. This year, we are seeking recommendations of individuals and organizations that are increasing access to physical activity and play for young people. 

Tell us about an individual who is helping youth in your community get the recommended 60 minutes of activity per day. Please use the form below to nominate a champion to come to the White House to be honored for his/her work:
Champions may increase access to physical activity through some/all of the following:
  • Organized or competitive activities for teams and/or individuals, including youth with disabilities;
  • Unstructured play;
  • School-based activities, including physical education, recess and activity breaks;
  • Outdoor activities that promote time in nature;
  • Afterschool or summer programs.
Please submit nominations by midnight on January 23rd. If submitting nominations after January 23rd for other Champions of Change recognition opportunities, please submit here.
Click here for the nomination form.
In addition, SparkPeople would like to learn more about our members who are helping kids to get excited about healthy living. Please share your stories (or nominate another member) here.

Together, we're changing lives and making America a healthier place for the next generation. Let's keep Spreading the Spark by nominating those who inspire you and especially our children.

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