Healthy, Homemade Gifts: Bath Salts

By , SparkPeople Blogger
After a long, tough workout, an equally long, hot bath is just what I crave. If I'm feeling particularly sore, I add Epsom salts, which help reduce inflammation. You can buy expensive aromatherapy bath salts at department stores, but I don't like to shell out cash for something I can make at home.

Epsom salts cost less than $3 for a 5 pound bag at the drug store, and essential oils, though pricey, are used sparingly in these recipes. As a bonus, you can control the quality of the ingredients if you make bath salts at home.

This gift is great for anyone who needs to learn to take time to relax or for someone who has already mastered that skill. (My sister, a stressed-out graduate student, is getting some homemade bath salts for Christmas this year.)

6 cups Epsom salts
2 cups table salt
4 cups baking soda
Large glass jars with lids
Essential oils (peppermint, lavender, eucalyptus, etc.)

Mix salts and baking soda together in a large bowl, then add essential oils until the scent of the salts reaches the desired strength. Mix well with a spoon, then place salts in glass jars. (Bonus: Print a custom label for your fancy bath salts.)

Some suggested recipes:
Relaxation: chamomile and lavender; grapefruit, jasmine and ylang-ylang; lavender and mint
Bedtime: chamomile, sage and bergamot; vanilla and lavender
Invigorating: grapefruit and ginger, rosemary and bergamot, peppermint and lemon, basil and grapefruit

Find more aromatherapy recipes here.

What is your favorite scent combination? I love the combinations of lavender and vanilla (when I can't sleep) and lavender and mint.