All Entries For homemade gifts

Healthy, Homemade Gifts: Solid Perfume

Solid perfume is a great gift for the fit gal on the go. It travels easily, and it fits in any gym bag!
Posted 12/15/2008  6:11:37 PM By:   : 59 comments   12,409 views
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Healthy, Homemade Gifts: Vision Collage

Here at SparkPeople, we're big fans of vision collages. What's a vision collage, and why would you give one as a gift?
Posted 12/14/2008  3:56:18 PM By:   : 53 comments   10,745 views
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Healthy, Homemade Gifts: Herb Mixes

When you're watching fat and calories, herbs and spices are your new best friends. They add flavor and pizzazz to your cooking with little to no calories and fat.
Posted 12/13/2008  12:36:44 PM By:   : 58 comments   17,705 views
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Healthy, Homemade Gifts: Chocolate Pretzels

Know another chocolate lover? Surprise him or her with these hearty pretzels.
Posted 12/12/2008  4:13:48 PM By:   : 81 comments   16,470 views
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Healthy, Homemade Gifts: Rice Sock

Make a rice sock for friends who are constantly battle aches and pains.
Posted 12/11/2008  9:06:23 AM By:   : 144 comments   36,162 views
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Healthy, Homemade Gifts: Mix CD (Workout Playlist)

Songs can make or break a workout. The right song can get you in the zone and ease you past a plateau. The wrong song can make you zone out. Make a workout playlist for a friend.
Posted 12/10/2008  3:00:02 PM By:   : 45 comments   13,245 views
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Healthy, Homemade Gifts: Hearty Gourmet Oatmeal

A gourmet oatmeal mix is an affordable and healthy homemade gift. After all, breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
Posted 12/9/2008  2:59:01 PM By:   : 100 comments   21,128 views
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Healthy, Homemade Gifts: Recipe Binder

When you're learning how to lead a healthy lifestyle, you often have to relearn how to cook. Ease the process for someone else by compiling a recipe binder.
Posted 12/8/2008  4:35:34 PM By:   : 104 comments   21,126 views
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Healthy, Homemade Gifts: MRE (No, Not Those Meals Ready to Eat)

Give a friend or family member an "MRE" this holiday season. They'll have a warm meal with minimal effort!
Posted 12/7/2008  12:10:48 PM By:   : 96 comments   14,826 views
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Healthy, Homemade Gifts: Chocolate Spoons

A perfectly portioned chocolate spoon for stirring coffee or enjoying on its own is a great gift for the chocoholic in your life.
Posted 12/6/2008  3:03:57 PM By:   : 132 comments   15,354 views
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Healthy, Homemade Gifts: Bath Salts

Make your own scented bath salts for a fraction of the cost!
Posted 12/5/2008  1:00:29 PM By:   : 132 comments   28,942 views
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Healthy, Homemade Gifts: Trail Mix

The holidays are hectic, so the dailySpark is offering 12 healthy, homemade and affordable gift ideas.
Posted 12/4/2008  6:56:45 AM By:   : 58 comments   21,554 views
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