Don't Be Tricked by This Sweet Halloween Treat!

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Halloween candy can be downright scary. All of those colorful ''fun-sized'' bars may tempt you to have just one piece, but beware—those tiny, innocent-looking treats can add up if you're not careful! Some people forgo the chocolate candies altogether in favor of low-fat choices, such as Starbursts and Twizzlers, thinking that they are doing their waistlines a favor. But does low-fat always mean low-sugar? If you were to choose between a chocolaty fun-sized bag of peanut M&Ms and a serving of Twizzlers, which one would be the least sugary choice?
The Winner: Peanut M&Ms!
One fun-sized pack of peanut M&Ms clocks in at 90 calories, 5 grams of fat, and 9 grams of sugar. In comparison, one serving of Twizzlers (3 Twizzlers) has 120 calories, 1 gram of fat, and 15 grams of sugar. (As a bonus, you'll get 1.5 grams of filling protein from the M&Ms, whereas Twizzlers contain zero protein.) It just goes to show that low-fat doesn't always mean low-sugar! And remember, if not used up, that sugar is still going to get stored as fat in the end.

Of course, candy is still candy, no matter how you slice it—it's all sugar, fat, and food colorings. Obviously, choosing not to eat any candy would be the best choice, but let's be real: It's Halloween. You might want to indulge in some festive treats. And you can! There's no reason to deprive yourself of your childhood favorites. Just remember that moderation is key. As long as you can fit your treat into your eating plan for the day, enjoy it—whether it's a fun-sized candy bar, Twizzlers, or something else. If you're the kind of person who can't stop at just one treat, make smart swaps instead of reaching for the candy. Sip on low-sugar apple cider, chew gum, or whip up a healthy baked apple to munch on during the festivities.

But above all, relax! Are you really going to let a little fun-sized candy bar be the boss of you? Remember: YOU are in control. Instead of worrying and fixating on all that candy, focus on all the other wonderful moments that are going on around you. Have fun watching your kids play in their costumes, breathe in the crisp fall air, and enjoy all that the fall season has to offer. Happy Halloween!