10 Ways to Dress Up Scrambled Eggs

By , Bryn Mooth
At about 70 calories apiece, eggs are a sensible way to get protein into your diet. But eggs aren’t just for breakfast; who hasn’t enjoyed a plate of simple scrambled eggs as a quick and easy dinner?
Still, scrambled eggs need a little something extra if you’re going to make a fine meal out of them. Here are 10 ways to take this humble dish from so-so to so good!
How to Make Great Scrambled Eggs
In our book, the best scrambled eggs are soft and creamy, not firm and dry. For a single serving of scrambled eggs, warm about 2 teaspoons of olive oil in a nonstick skillet. Use a fork to stir two eggs, just until the yolks are broken up (no need to whisk them silly). Pour the eggs into the skillet; let cook over low heat for a minute and then use a wooden spoon to stir the eggs, creating soft curds.

Gently cook and stir until the eggs until they’re creamy, and take the pan off the heat just before you think the eggs are done (they will continue to cook off-heat). Season with salt and pepper.
Scrambled Eggs with Beans and Salsa
Warm some canned beans and a bit of diced bell pepper while you’re scrambling your eggs, and top this Tex-Mex favorite with nonfat Greek yogurt and prepared tomato salsa.
Fried Rice with Egg
Scramble an egg until it’s firm and a little dry, then slice it and add it to your favorite fried rice recipe. We love Chef Meg’s healthy version of fried rice.
Scrambled Eggs with Spinach and Goat Cheese
Use frozen chopped spinach, fully thawed and drained—or cook a bag of baby spinach in boiling salted water for just a minute or two until it’s wilted, then drain and chop it well. Stir a half a cup of chopped cooked spinach and 1 ounce of fresh goat cheese into your scrambled eggs just before they’re finished cooking.
Herbed Scrambled Eggs
Finely chop about 1/4 cup of fresh soft-leaved herbs, such as chives, parsley, tarragon or basil. Stir the herbs into the scrambled eggs immediately before serving.
Protein-Packed Breakfast Scramble
This great recipe for scrambled eggs with tofu and vegetables would be a great kick-start to your day, or a quick and healthy dinner with a slice of whole-grain toast.
Scrambled Eggs with Avocado and Tomato
Top a serving of warm scrambled eggs with 1/2 an avocado, diced, and a handful of halved cherry tomatoes; scatter a few freshly snipped chives over the top.
Scrambled Eggs with Roasted Tomatoes
Toss a pint of cherry or grape tomatoes with a splash of olive oil and season with coarse salt and freshly ground pepper; roast on a rimmed baking sheet at 400 degrees for 20–25 minutes, until they begin to soften. Top scrambled eggs with warm roasted tomatoes.
Scrambled Eggs to Go
Tuck a serving of scrambled eggs into half a whole-wheat pita pocket, along with a few leaves of fresh spinach and slices of tomato. Or combine scrambled eggs with prepared tomato salsa and wrap in a whole-wheat tortilla.
Scrambled Eggs with Smoked Salmon
Finely chop about 2 ounce of smoked salmon and add that to your scrambled eggs just before they’re finished cooking. Top with a big pinch of chopped fresh chives or parsley and fresh-cracked pepper.

Bryn Mooth is extending her 20-year career in publishing as an independent journalist and copywriter. She shares seasonal recipes, kitchen techniques, healthy eating tips and food wisdom on her blog writes4food.com.