10 Tips to Improve Your Walking Routine

By , Vionic Footwear

Celebrity Fitness Trainer and Vionic Innovation Lab expert, Juliet Kaska, knows a thing or two about motivating people on their health and wellness journeys. Here, she shares ten tips to help you get the most out of your walking program. 

1. Commit to what is reasonable for your level and not that of your neighbor or an inspiring person you see on TV or in a fitness ad. Do strive to do something every day.
2. Practice breathing from your diaphragm. Breathe through your nose and fill your abdominal cavity with air, and exhale through pursed lips while gently pulling in the abdominals. Learn more about breathwalking from Dr. Jim Nicolai.
3. Try to get in 4 to 6 power walks a week. If you are a beginner, shoot for 20 to 30 minutes. If you're more advanced, take it up to 45 or 60 minute sessions. You should aim to increase your workout time by 10% each week.
4. Take time to stretch during a long walk. Stretch the thighs by bringing your heels to your glutes; twist your torso from side to side; reach up and backward with the arms through a forward wide lunge. 
5. Avoid caffeinated drinks before you walk. Caffeinated drinks cause you to lose fluid therefore making you more susceptible to dehydration.
6. Be aware of your surroundings when walking. Be aware of the sights and sounds around you to enjoy a safe walk. Take in nature and use your walking time to clear your mind.
7. Download a good playlist and listen to some tunes while you walk (if you're walking on a treadmill).
8. Dress appropriately so you can focus on exercising. During the colder months, it’s all about layering!
9. Grab a walking buddy! Having company and accountability always help you go farther.
10. Be sure to replace your shoes on a regular basis. It's best to do so at about every 500 miles. One great tip is to buy two pairs of walking shoes: one pair that you walk in on a regular basis and the other for just one day a week.

For more tips and advice from top wellness experts, download the Vionic #Find30 Walking Guide.
About Vionic Footwear
Vionic footwear merges unparalleled biomechanical technology with versatile, modern design fit for every occasion. Developed by Phillip Vasyli, renowned Australian podiatrist and founder of Orthaheel® Technology, Vionic shoes help restore natural foot function and relieve heel pain, promoting a more active lifestyle. Vionic’s footwear and orthotic inserts are also endorsed by noted integrative medicine expert, Dr. Andrew Weil. With premium materials, artful construction and streamlined silhouettes, Vionic’s men’s and women’s collections provide standout style with exceptional comfort and functionality.
For additional information about Vionic with Orthaheel Technology, please visit VionicShoes.com.