5-Minute Lower Body Workout with Band

In this workout, Coach Nicole will lead you through a series of 3 exercises (plus stretches) that will work your entire lower body. Perfect for travelers or home exercisers!

Member Comments

Shoes are essential! I was barefoot but have very heavy thighs so I did the video with bodyweight. Next time I'll know.
I really felt the one at 4:25, proving how much it is needed! Thank you!
Only 5 minutes...Thank you!
That was NOT as easy as it looked, lol..
I just read MS. GODDESS comment and I had already decided I would do this exercise. Now I'm for sure I will. I hope everyone else does. Have a Marvelous & Blessed Monday!
I just read MS. GODDESS comment and I had already decided I would do this exercise. Now I'm for sure I will. I hope everyone else does. Have a Marvelous & Blessed Monday!
I am winded and my quads are on fire!!!!! Great short workout
I already have resistance bands but never thought to squat, Great ideas. I'm a beginner too.
This was a great beginner's (me!!) video to get started. Nice bite size chunk, as opposed to too much. I will keep doing these shorter videos and work up!
Coach Nicole, as usual amazing video! I'll add this one to my series for tomorrow. This should help me do my lunges better. I quit doing them because they hurt my back & I would have to take meds for it. I'll have to go buy the bands. I have a band, but it's not like that one! I hope everyone has a blessed day! lyl!
Would like to be able to print off upper & lower short video w/bands to be able to do exercises when not at home w/computer
All the videos I have watched start with - remember to warm up before doing these exercises. What does a warm up consist of? Do you have a Video?
It's interesting for a person like myself who is always in meetings and driving. Where can I get the belt on this video?
Thins one and the 8 minute lower body w/ band are both on my favorites now!
I haven't been able to do lunges (due to weight and stress on knees) since I was a teenager. This video made it possible, because I had no idea the resistance band could be used that way, and it didn't hurt my knees at all!

Looking forward to more with the bands!