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Biceps Curls on Cable Cross Machine Exercise

Biceps Curls on Cable Cross Machine

Starting Position Select desired weight. Stand near right side of cable cross machine, and adjust that pulley to the lowest position. Place straight T-bar attachment onto the pulley’s carabiner. Stand facing the weight stack with an underhand grip on the bar, arms straight and in front of the thighs, back straight and abs engaged and feet staggered one in front of the other. Step far enough from the weight stack so that the weight is slightly lifted off of the stack when in this start position.

Action EXHALE: Bend at the elbow to curl your hands towards your shoulders.

INHALE: Slowly straighten the elbow to return to start position to complete one rep.

Special Instructions Do not lean back when lifting the weight--try to stand tall. Keep your wrists in line with the forearm. Keep your upper arms glued to the sides of the body so that they do not move.

Muscles Worked: Biceps

Exercise Categories: Advanced Gym Machines Upper Body Strength