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Standing Hip Abduction on Cable Cross Machine Exercise

Standing Hip Abduction on Cable Cross Machine

Starting Position Select desired weight. Stand near right side of cable cross machine, and adjust that pulley to the lowest position. Place ankle strap attachment securely around left ankle. Stand tall with abs engaged, feet together, hands on hips, and weight balanced on your right foot. Lift your left foot off the ground, foot flexed.

Action EXHALE: Keeping both legs straight, use the outer thigh to pull the left leg away from the midline of your body.

INHALE: Slowly return left leg to the midline, returning to the start position to complete one rep.

Finish set on this leg and then switch sides.

Special Instructions Hold onto a pole (or similar) for balance if necessary. Keep knees soft, abs engaged, and eyes fixed on a focal point to enhance balance. Only use a weight that you can lift smoothly, without momentum, and make sure the weight stack does not slam between reps. Do not lean to the side as you move.

Muscles Worked: Outer thigh<.i>

Exercise Categories: Advanced Gym Machines Lower Body Strength