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Single Leg Squats on Leg Press Machine Exercise

Single Leg Squats on Leg Press Machine

Starting Position Follow machine instructions for set up and select desired weight. Position your body so that feet are hip-width apart, toes pointing forward, knees are above the ankles, back is straight and supported by the pad, and abs are engaged. Make sure your knees and hips are both bent at 90 degrees. Lift right leg off of the foot stand and hold, keeping it clear of any moving parts.

Action EXHALE: Keeping your weight balanced in your heel, extend your left knee to push your body away from the foot stand.

INHALE: Slowly bend the knee to return to the start position (a 90-degree bend at the knees) to complete one rep. Repeat all reps on one leg and then switch sides.

Special Instructions To protect your joints, never bend deeper than 90 degrees at the knees or hips and don’t lock the knee when straightening legs. Make sure you have mastered Squats on the Leg Press Machine before trying this more challenging exercise.

Muscles Worked: Legs (quads, hamstrings, calves) and Butt (glutes)

Exercise Categories: Advanced Gym Machines Lower Body Strength