Alicia graduated from Northwestern University with a Bachelor of Science in journalism with a minor in film and media studies. Prior to joining SparkPeople, she worked in marketing and public relations and once left it all behind to backpack through South America. Alicia enjoys practicing yoga outside on sunny days, farmers markets, planning trips to practically every country and cheering aggressively for her beloved Cincinnati Reds and New Orleans Saints. She can also make a mean guacamole on toast.

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Run Longer and Faster With 2 Workouts from Jillian Michaels

Maybe it's the convenience of being able to do it anywhere or needing just a pair of sneakers to get started. Perhaps it's the temptation of the "runner's high." For some, the allure of a running event with hundreds or even thousands of athletes boosting each other's spirits is enough to inspire intrigue. Whatever the reasoning or motivation, when people think weight loss, they often think running. 

With benefits that range from strengthening your bones to improving happiness, it's no wonder that people flock to running, either. And once they get a taste of the track (or neighborhood sidewalk or park trail), they often start looking at more ambitious goals that will test their willpower and determination. 

Posted 2/26/2019  12:00:00 AM By:   : 50 comments   73,249 views

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Looking for Inspiration? Look No Further Than These 2 Women

Every month The Go Get It Guide is your destination for motivation, musings on random goals and probably pop culture references. It's a space where we'll sort through the PR pitches and news, then share our honest thoughts on what's happening in the health and fitness world, what's on the horizon and just what we think of that video the internet obsessed over last week. Check in each month to Spark, Sweat, Smile, Savor and Shop with us!

Spark: Age Ain't Nothin' But a Number

There are some things we talk ourselves out of before we even consider attempting them. Whether it's climbing Everest, running a 5K or trying a CrossFit class, fear can often get in the way of us trying new things or getting outside of our comfort zone. We're all guilty of this trepidation to some degree.
Unless, of course, your name is Lauren Bruzzone. At 72 years young, Bruzzone showed up to personal trainer Wesley James and told him she had one goal: to do a pull-up. One pull-up. And she was determined.
Earlier this month, James shared her progress and…well, I'll just let the video speak for itself.


Tomorrow would mark the 3rd week of me working with Miss Lauren on her pull-up. She got her first one TODAY!!! 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽 The second video shows where we started! @chasinglaurenb @oldladygains #firsttime #pullups #fitover70 #mobility #flexibility #functionalmovement #functionaltraining #changinglives #aspiretoinspire #saturday #motivation #progress #transformation #seniorfitness #personaldevelopment #bodyweighttraining #bodybuilding #agingevolution #fitwomen #igfit #inspiration #calisthenics #streetworkout #72yearsyoung #fitnessjourney #swipeleft

A post shared by Wesley James (@mrjames_cpt) on Bruzzone is not training for a movie or a fitness competition. She doesn't have an instructor coming to her house to encourage her to work out. She simply got an idea in her mind, broke that goal down to manageable steps with the help of a trainer and committed to showing up. There's a concept in strength training called overload that states that to change your body, you must put the body under an intensity that is greater than it is used to managing. Put simply, you have to get uncomfortable.

For Bruzzone to achieve her goal of one pull-up, she worked with James over the course of three weeks to gradually build strength and get to a point where she could safely perform the exercise. Not only has she inspired thousands as the story was picked up by major news publications, but the look on her face as she raised her body up and achieved her goal is priceless. Bruzzone is the perfect example of why we set goals and an even more perfect example of not letting your mind decide what your body is capable of doing.
Guess what? You can do this, too! And by "this," I mean accomplishing a pull-up specifically, as well as any other goal that might scare or intimidate you. Consider all the things you could accomplish with the right mindset and a targeted plan outlining the small steps that will help you get there. The possibilities are endless and I for one hope that you never allow the word "impossible" to creep into your head. Determination and willpower will get you to where you want to be, so focus on adjusting your mindset first and, with hard work, the finish line will slowly come to you.
Now, what could you do if you didn't think you would fail?

Posted 2/1/2019  12:00:00 AM By:   : 65 comments   60,381 views

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Motivational Quotes You Should Print and Look at Daily

Motivation is a fleeting concept. No one wakes up every single day feeling like they want to go crush their workouts and eat all the kale. No, some days, even the most dedicated people just want to blow off their workout, sink into the couch and eat leftover pizza.

If you're someone who struggles to find motivation daily, though, it could be worth looking into why you're not excited about your fitness or eating routine anymore. Perhaps you've grown tired of walking the same loop around the city after work. Maybe the meal plan you've set for yourself used to please your taste buds, but lately everything is just tasting bland. It might just be that you've reached a new level of health and need to step things up to continue feeling challenged and inspired to achieve. Even the most exciting plan can get stale after so many weeks of the same, and it's important to change things up every so often to continue growing, getting stronger and getting healthier. 

Posted 12/27/2018  12:00:00 AM By:   : 139 comments   43,102 views

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Hit the Finish Line Stronger and More Motivated Than You Started

Every month The Go Get It Guide is your destination for motivation, musings on random goals and probably pop culture references. It's a space where we'll sort through the PR pitches and news, then share our honest thoughts on what's happening in the health and fitness world, what's on the horizon and just what we think of that video the internet obsessed over last week. Check in each month to Spark, Sweat, Smile, Savor and Shop with us!

Spark: Who's Hiding in Your Head?

If you're not already following SparkPeople's Daily Motivation group on Facebook, stop reading this post right now, click here, hit "+ Join Group" and get ready for some serious motivation to come your way. You in? Okay, good, now that we got that out of the way, I'm going to hit you with this:

Posted 12/7/2018  12:00:00 AM By:   : 67 comments   13,165 views

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Ladies, Listen Up Because This Go Get It Guide Is For You

Every month The Go Get It Guide is your destination for motivation, musings on random goals and probably pop culture references. It's a space where we'll sort through the PR pitches and news, then share our honest thoughts on what's happening in the health and fitness world, what's on the horizon and just what we think of that video the internet obsessed over last week. Check in each month to Spark, Sweat, Smile, Savor and Shop with us!

Sweat: Hulk Arms and Abs of Steel

For decades women have feared the dreaded "Hulk arms" and muscular thighs, steering clear of the weight room for fear that they would build up unattractive, masculine muscle. And so they (and I) gravitated toward exercises that felt tailored specifically for women—Zumba, Pilates, yoga, water aerobics—convinced that these were the ones that would give them the slim, "toned" and defined look that they so desired. For years I only printed out workouts or watched exercise videos featuring women with titles that included words like "toning" and "lean muscle." If the woman in the video looked like a ballet dancer or ex-Victoria's Secret model, I wanted what she was selling.
But I was wrong, and so are a lot of other women. A few weeks ago, I talked a friend into doing a 12-week training program focused on resistance training. After picking up running and dropping nearly 40 pounds, she was determined to continue working on her body and improving her health but had hit a bit of a plateau. While her endurance was on point, she wasn't noticing changes in her body anymore and asked, "What more can I do when I'm already doing all this running?" "Strength. Training," was my only answer; resistance was her only response. After throwing out facts and relatable anecdotes and flexing maybe a little bit, I was finally able to convince her to add some weight to her cardio-fueled routine. By the end of this post, I hope I've convinced any non-believers, too.

Posted 11/2/2018  12:00:00 AM By:   : 50 comments   16,248 views

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A Night Owl Tries Morning Workouts & New Gear in the Go Get It Guide

Every month The Go Get It Guide is your destination for motivation, musings on random goals and probably pop culture references. It's a space where we'll sort through the PR pitches and news, then share our honest thoughts on what's happening in the health and fitness world, what's on the horizon and just what we think of that video the internet obsessed over last week. Check in each month to Spark, Sweat, Smile, Savor and Shop with us!

Spark: To Snooze or Not to Snooze?

Is there any characteristic more defining than the stereotypes that go along with being a night owl or early bird? Tell me you're a morning person and my mind immediately jumps to Apple CEO Tim Cook waking up at 4:30 a.m., which is to say I'm impressed. I assume you spend your mornings maximizing your time by checking stocks (you definitely maintain an impressive stock portfolio), whipping up a nutritious breakfast, maybe squeezing in a quick stretch, writing in your journal and so on—effectively having an entire day before I would ever dare set an alarm.
I, however, am the opposite of that morning person. I regularly hit the snooze button four times before I begrudgingly get up and stumble through the daily race to make it to work on time. In college, I was known to sleep well past 2 p.m. on days when I had afternoon classes. These days, it's a struggle to make it to the farmers market on Sunday before 11:30 a.m., after which time all the good stuff has disappeared.

Posted 10/5/2018  12:00:00 AM By:   : 64 comments   18,845 views

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Carve Out 5 Minutes of Your Day for This Tough Abs Workout

Living in a small town, Le Sweat founder Charlee Atkins didn't have a choice but to be active. After all, with only 90 kids in her high school, it was practically mandatory to play sports just so they could fill the volleyball, basketball, cheerleading and track rosters. Despite not initially choosing fitness, she eventually chose it when she began studying sports medicine in college and the love only continued to grow.
"It feels good to feel good," the 10-year trainer says about her love for health and fitness. "Through my college education and the final years with my dad—who had me at 64 years old—I realized how the things we do now in our 20s, 30s and 40s make our 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s much easier."

Posted 9/18/2018  12:00:00 AM By:   : 60 comments   26,120 views

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Sweet Tooth Confessions, Flaws and All in This Month's Go Get It Guide

Every month The Go Get It Guide is your destination for motivation, musings on random goals and probably pop culture references. It's a space where we'll sort through the PR pitches and news, then share our honest thoughts on what's happening in the health and fitness world, what's on the horizon and just what we think of that video the internet obsessed over last week. Check in each month to Spark, Sweat, Smile, Savor and Shop with us!

Savor: Have Your Ice Cream and Be Healthy, Too?

Mint cookies and cream, black raspberry chip from Graeter's and a mix of strawberry and dulce de leche from Freddo in Buenos Aires. Ask me my opinion on sneakers or popular music and I'll go back and forth, never fully committing to a solid opinion or recommendation. Ask me about ice cream, though? I have my favorites, my reasons why and fight me if you think otherwise.

Yes, my name is Alicia and I have a sweet tooth that cannot be tamed. And yet, ice cream every day (or every meal of the day, if I'm being real), is just not in line with my ultimate health and fitness goals. In my attempts to give ice cream the "it's not you, it's me" speech, I've tried going cold-turkey, opting for pints of trendy "healthy" ice cream in various flavors and even tried talking my dad into pulling out the old hand-crank ice cream maker from the depths of their basement so I could control the ingredients. Nothing worked. So back to mint chocolate chip I returned.

Posted 8/3/2018  12:00:00 AM By:   : 67 comments   19,676 views

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A 20-Minute Pilates Workout That Will Power Up Your Core

One of the biggest misconceptions about Pilates is that the workout was designed exclusively for dancers. Perhaps it's the class's typical clientele or the association of the workout with long, lean bodies, but it's a misconception that needs to be debunked according to Andrea Speir, Speir Method founder and owner of Speir Pilates. "Pilates was actually created by a man [Joseph Pilates], and in its most original form was meant to strengthen men," Speir explains.  
While dancers adopted the workout as their own after discovering its ability to strengthen their bodies and athletic abilities, Pilates really is a workout that can benefit everyone, no matter their physical stature or flexibility. Despite another misconception about the decades-old workout, Speir stresses that Pilates really has nothing to do with flexibility, noting that the moves are more designed to help you find proper alignment.

Posted 7/20/2018  12:00:00 AM By:   : 76 comments   54,867 views

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Learn to Give Yourself a Break in This Month's Go Get It Guide

Every month The Go Get It Guide is your destination for motivation, musings on random goals and probably pop culture references. It's a space where we'll sort through the PR pitches and news, then share our honest thoughts on what's happening in the health and fitness world, what's on the horizon and just what we think of that video the internet obsessed over last week. Check in each month to Spark, Sweat, Smile, Savor and Shop with us!

Spark: Goodbye, Guilt!

Like many women, I used to think my muscles made me less feminine. For years I hated my muscular calves, silently wishing I had those toothpick-thin legs that looked so great in skinny jeans and shave gel commercials. I tried barre classes and yoga videos online in hopes that the "lean, toned" muscles they promised would eventually become my reality.
Thanks to a steady diet of HIIT exercise and a newfound love of strength training, I've since gotten over that needless self-shaming (thank goodness) and embraced my muscles fully. For anyone still questioning if their own muscles are something to be ashamed of (they're not) or are wondering if muscles can be girly (they can be) or need to know if muscles can be attractive (obviously), I'll ask the class to please turn their attention to Kelsey Wells. A bona fide workout warrior, Wells' journey to health began after suffering from postpartum depression. In search of a solution, she discovered the power of exercise and, in time, built the biceps, quads, triceps and abs of our dreams. Now, this mommy is on a mission to help women embrace their muscles and their strengths, both physical and mental.

Posted 6/1/2018  12:00:00 AM By:   : 45 comments   16,131 views

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Some Summer Inspiration and Laughs in This Month's Go Get It Guide

Every month The Go Get It Guide is your destination for motivation, musings on random goals and probably pop culture references. It's a space where we'll sort through the PR pitches and news, then share our honest thoughts on what's happening in the health and fitness world, what's on the horizon and just what we think of that video the internet obsessed over last week. Check in each month to Spark, Sweat, Smile, Savor and Shop with us!

Spark: The Summer Pool Blues

For me, it was my thighs. The way they brushed together in swimsuit bottoms regularly made me feel uncomfortable, unattractive and uncertain sitting poolside in the summers. While it never prevented me from hitting the pool, I'd be lying if I didn't say I don't still harbor some lingering self-doubt every time it's time to throw on a bikini.

I bring this up because a few weeks ago, I saw a post on Facebook written by a guy (we'll call him Mark) who lived across the cul-de-sac from me when we were in middle school that had me reminiscing about those summer pool anxieties. In the post, he addresses his own insecurities regarding how his weight as a kid influenced how he used to and currently approaches going out in swim trunks. Mark talked about how he always wore a T-shirt to the pool as a result of his weight and felt uncomfortable in his skin, and how now, even as an adult, he doesn't "want to be 'that guy' in the T-shirt because everyone knows the reason for you being in a T-shirt."

Posted 5/4/2018  12:00:00 AM By:   : 45 comments   22,276 views

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Fitness Feats and Foodies in This Month's Go Get It Guide

Every month The Go Get It Guide is your destination for motivation, musings on random goals and probably pop culture references. It's a space where we'll sort through the PR pitches and news, then share our honest thoughts on what's happening in the health and fitness world, what's on the horizon and just what we think of that video the internet obsessed over last week. Check in each month to Spark, Sweat, Smile, Savor and Shop with us!

Sweat: Jump, Jump!

When I was in elementary school, I remember thinking the kids in the jump rope club were a cut above the rest. Here they were shredding double unders, leg overs, double Dutch and criss-cross moves during their annual assembly about exercise and heart health held in our gymnasium while the rest of us watched on in awe. I tried to give it a go myself, I really did, but after snapping my back and the back of my legs until they were bright red one too many times, though, the jump rope beat me down and I gave up.
That is until this year. As someone who is none too fond of running, I'm always looking for ways to increase my heart rate without a treadmill or the open road. When I noticed the aerobic-jump-rope prowess of fitness guru and Instagram star Kayla Itsines, I was taken back to those elementary school days with a renewed sense of purpose. Her skipping warmups are advanced, featuring a number of different jumps and a faster pace, all of which she does, literally, without breaking a sweat or missing a step. I knew it would take some time to even get close to Itsines' level, but I wanted to start small and see if I could commit to jumping for one full minute without whipping myself silly in the process.  

Posted 4/6/2018  12:00:00 AM By:   : 65 comments   17,322 views

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Will Smith, Beets & Beats in Your Go Get It Guide

Every month The Go Get It Guide is your destination for motivation, musings on random goals and probably pop culture references. It's a space where we'll sort through the PR pitches and news, then share our honest thoughts on what's happening in the health and fitness world, what's on the horizon and just what we think of that video the internet obsessed over last week. Check in each month to Spark, Sweat, Smile, Savor and Shop with us!

Spark: Did I Just Become a Will Smith Fan?

This past summer, I went skydiving. My boyfriend had been dropping not-so-subtle hints for years that it's something he desperately wanted to try, but we never got around to actually doing it for real. When his 30th birthday came about, I decided to surprise him with the experience along with a few friends who let me talk them into jumping out of a plane with us. It took months of planning, so I should have known that I would start to chicken out a few days before we actually pulled the trigger (or life-saving ripcord, as it was).
After one particular nightmare-fueled evening of sleep, during which my brain conjured up approximately 72 things that could go wrong and leave us plummeting to the ground below, I woke up to a text from a friend who was also planning on taking the plunge. "Assuming you're as freaked out as I am," she wrote. "This Will Smith speech will probably pump you up."

Posted 3/2/2018  12:00:00 AM By:   : 68 comments   21,892 views

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Self-Care & a New Leg Day Move in the Go Get It Guide

Every month The Go Get It Guide is your destination for motivation, musings on random goals and probably pop culture references. It's a space where we'll sort through the PR pitches and news, then share our honest thoughts on what's happening in the health and fitness world, what's on the horizon and just what we think of that video the internet obsessed over last week. Check in each month to Spark, Sweat, Smile, Savor and Shop with us!

Sweat: Curtsy Lunge With Glider

Variety in leg exercises has always seemed to elude me. No matter how often I try to incorporate new moves into leg day, I always find myself coming back to the basics: squats, lunges, more squats, more lunges.
Luckily, thanks to my addiction to Instagram fitness accounts, inspiration is usually just a quick scroll away. Such inspiration struck just the other day as I was clicking through Busy Philipps' Instagram story. I only just recently started following the actress—who starred in one of my all-time most favorite shows, "Freaks and Geeks," among other things—and, guys, she is a workhorse. She regularly posts snippets from her morning workouts, unafraid of the social world witnessing the beads of sweat dripping down her face. I applaud her and kind of want to grow up to be just like her.

Posted 2/2/2018  12:00:00 AM By:   : 72 comments   24,886 views

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15 Surprising Things You Never Knew About Jenny Craig

There are some things that are synonymous with weight loss—those terms, emotions and activities that on their own conjure up the image of someone taking control of their health and achieving the incredible. Since 1983, Jenny Craig has been one of those terms. Started in Melbourne, Australia, Jenny Craig has helped millions reach their goal weight and come to understand health and wellness in a more positive, sustainable light.

Posted 1/16/2018  12:00:00 AM By:   : 42,985 views

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