Some Summer Inspiration and Laughs in This Month's Go Get It Guide

By , Alicia Capetillo, Editor-in-Chief
Every month The Go Get It Guide is your destination for motivation, musings on random goals and probably pop culture references. It's a space where we'll sort through the PR pitches and news, then share our honest thoughts on what's happening in the health and fitness world, what's on the horizon and just what we think of that video the internet obsessed over last week. Check in each month to Spark, Sweat, Smile, Savor and Shop with us!

Spark: The Summer Pool Blues

For me, it was my thighs. The way they brushed together in swimsuit bottoms regularly made me feel uncomfortable, unattractive and uncertain sitting poolside in the summers. While it never prevented me from hitting the pool, I'd be lying if I didn't say I don't still harbor some lingering self-doubt every time it's time to throw on a bikini.

I bring this up because a few weeks ago, I saw a post on Facebook written by a guy (we'll call him Mark) who lived across the cul-de-sac from me when we were in middle school that had me reminiscing about those summer pool anxieties. In the post, he addresses his own insecurities regarding how his weight as a kid influenced how he used to and currently approaches going out in swim trunks. Mark talked about how he always wore a T-shirt to the pool as a result of his weight and felt uncomfortable in his skin, and how now, even as an adult, he doesn't "want to be 'that guy' in the T-shirt because everyone knows the reason for you being in a T-shirt."

This time of year, we see magazine cover after magazine cover, advertisement after advertisement targeting men and women, reminding you that the beach and that bikini (or swim trunks) are calling from deep within your dresser drawer and they'll accept nothing but six-pack abs. The pressure is enough to make anyone want to grab a T-shirt or sarong to cover up. I know I write for a website that champions individuals of all sizes and shapes and fosters a community that is both inspirational and uplifting, so maybe this is obvious, but to anyone who feels like they don't have a place at the pool, struggles with bathing suit shopping before a beach vacation or chooses to wear a T-shirt for whatever reason, know that you're not alone. Bathing suits are intimidating for a lot of us, and anyone who's judging you for taking advantage of a beautiful sunny summer day is probably terrible, too.

Of course, I realize that this is easier said than done, but it's still worth saying: If you struggle with self-esteem or body confidence issues, focus on the positive side of life. Focus on the memories you're making with your family and loved ones, memories that I promise will never include feeling insecure. Focus on the fact that model Ashley Graham is still on her mission to show that every body is a beautiful body. Focus on how amazing it feels to dive into the deep end when it's 90 degrees outside. Focus on the fact that even people with "perfect bodies" face critics. Just ask  Victoria's Secret model Bridget Malcolm, who faced body haters during an actual swimsuit photoshoot. Seriously, what's a girl got to do?

To the Marks of the world and to anyone who finds themselves debating beach vacations or pool outings, just go. With a T-shirt, without a T-shirt, in a one-piece or in a two-piece, just go. Go in what makes you feel comfortable and remember that anyone who has an opinion about it doesn't matter. This is your life and your summer, and you are more than entitled to enjoy every single second of it, no matter your body type. Don't let the chance of someone thinking negatively ruin your chance of having a positively amazing afternoon.

Smile: The Nike Pro-Chiller Legging

"Let's get real: Leggings can be pants, pajamas and a napkin," so says the latest product release commercial from Nike (and Saturday Night Live). According to the video, the Nike Pro-Chiller Legging was designed for what most women use their leggings for, which apparently is nothing at all.

We all know women—or maybe we are those women sometimes? —who live in their leggings without ever setting foot in the gym. I get it. Leggings are grand. Jeans are sometimes constricting, and leggings give you movement. You can't sit cross-legged in a dress; you can literally high-kick your way down the street in leggings.
While I hope you get outside or to the gym and use your leggings for good most times, there's nothing wrong with relating hard to this ad. If throwing on your comfiest, most worn-in pair of yoga pants and nursing a hangover while binge-watching season two of "Stranger Things" is wrong, honestly, I don't want to be right.
While the haters might be screaming "Leggings aren't pants!" from the depths of the interwebs, I often find that wearing my leggings during the day actually keeps me accountable. After all, if I'm already dressed, what excuse do I have to skip my workout later that afternoon? Many people swear by wearing their exercise clothes to bed as an incentive to make it to their morning workout for the same reason, so why not expand that to the daylight hours if it works for you?
So whether you wear them for comfort on your couch or to the track for interval sprints, there's one thing we can all agree on: Leggings are a gift.

Smile: Slow-Mo Superstar 

Is it weird that my new hero is only maybe six years old? Doesn't matter. This six-year-old is my new hero.

Next time your workout gets tough, channel your inner mini Trojans baseball player, have a little fun and embrace the slow-motion action movie star we all have within us. Don't be surprised if you see me doing slow-motion burpees in class from now on.

What's the best video you saw on the internet this month?