All Entries For working out

How to Make Exercising in Glasses Less of an Annoyance

While they might make it easier to see the treadmill monitor or your Zumba instructor's demonstrations, frames and lenses aren't exactly conducive to a hard-core sweat session.
Posted 4/16/2019  12:00:00 AM By:   : 102 comments   102,429 views
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Your New Year's Resolution Toolbox

You don't need fancy or expensive gadgets to get on the path to a healthy lifestyle, but investing in a few useful products can help to remove any obstacles along the way.
Posted 12/19/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 11 comments   30,939 views
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You Made It to the Gym -- Now What?

Getting dressed and driving to the gym is half the battle. But once you're there, what comes next? Here's your cheat sheet for how to get the most out of your first days and weeks.
Posted 12/6/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 32 comments   60,596 views
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