What's In Your Fridge? Show Us (You Could Get a Kindle)

By , SparkPeople Blogger
SparkPeople doesn't believe in dieting, but do we believe in loving the food you eat. After all, that was the premise behind our first cookbook, "The SparkPeople Cookbook: Love Your Food, Lose the Weight." We want to spread the word that eating to lose or maintain weight doesn’t have to mean dull, tasteless food and bland diet foods--healthy food is delicious food! We believe that no food is off-limits, and that there's no shame in having treats in your fridge or cart. Let's spread the word that we've ditched the diet food and banned all things bland.

We want you to show us your food.

Close your mouth. I don't mean the old "see-food" trick. I mean really show us what you're eating, what you're buying, what you're craving on an average week.

Take a photo of your fridge, pantry or shopping cart and email it to
SparkRecipes@gmail.com. (Remember when Coach Nicole let you peek inside her fridge? And Chef Meg's videos show the inside of hers.) The subject line should be: What's in My Fridge

We want you to be honest. No need to clean out the fridge first. Don't hide the diet soda in your cart. Don't stash the dark chocolate in the back of the pantry. And don’t take the ice cream out of your freezer or the wine out of your fridge. Show us what you really eat. 

Be sure to include this info, too.
  • Username
  • Name
  • Age
  • Hometown
  • How long have you been on SparkPeople?
  • Current weight
  • Starting weight
  • Goal weight
  • What other websites and magazines to you consult for healthy recipes?
  • What is the healthiest item in your photo?
  • What is your favorite item in your photo?
  • Are there any impulse purchases in there? Tell us!
  • Is there any food you were tempted to hide?
  • What's your food philosophy or mantra?
Photos MUST be in focus. (If it's blurry, we can't post it, and you'll be disqualified.) TIP: Turn off the fridge light if it causes a glare in your photo. We need to be able to SEE what's in your fridge or freezer or pantry or shopping cart!

Please send the largest version of the photo you can. You must provide ALL the info we ask for above. (Copy and paste the list, then fill in your answers.)

If we choose your photo, you'll be selected to receive:
You have between now and April 2 to participate. You can only submit one photo, so make it count.

We will share the best photos, plus the info you share in your email, on the dailySpark and across SparkPeople.com!

Click here for the rules.
Are you excited? I am. And in the meantime, tell me what is the most surprising food I'm going to see in your fridge/freezer/pantry/shopping cart. If you peeked in my fridge right now, you'd see three bottles of dark beer, a 2-pound bag of Brussels sprouts, and way too many containers of homemade nut butter.