VIDEO: 7 Secrets to Losing BIG in Your First 2 Weeks

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Happy New Year! Millions of people are resolving to lose weight, tone up, and get healthy this year, and if you're reading this, you are probably one of them. In reality though, only some of us will succeed in reaching those goals. (Sorry, it's true!) But you can set yourself up for success starting today, and I'm going to tell you how.

Did you know that the first two weeks of your new, healthy lifestyle might just make or break your success? It's true. More than 50% of people report losing momentum within the first two weeks of starting a diet, and almost 20% lose willpower within 3 days according to one poll! But you CAN get results, increase your motivation, and meet your expectations during these first few weeks of January—if you do the right things. By following these tips, you'll be five times more likely to reach your goal!

Recently, I shared the seven secrets to a strong start with Cincinnati's local FOX affiliate, FOX 19. These are the actions that members followed during the first two weeks of their programs in order to lose twice as much weight as people who did not follow these steps. And now, I'm sharing that video with you!

If you have trouble viewing the video above, try this direct link to

Some of these secrets (like tracking your calories) may seem obvious, but those can be easy to overlook if you're not diligent about it. Others are completely counterintuitive, like exercising less to lose more weight. But the more of these strategies you can incorporate NOW, the more likely you'll be to succeed today, next week, and over time.

Are you incorporating any of these secrets to a strong start? Do you think they have helped you maintain motivation and get results so far?