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VIDEO: Choose You!

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Did you know that one in three women will get cancer in her lifetime? That statistic is one that the American Cancer Society wants to make people aware of, but also wants to help women know and understand that there are actions that can be done to change it. The "Choose You" movement has been created by the American Cancer Society to help raise awareness about the actions that women can take to help change this statistic in a positive way.

To help mark the first anniversary of the "Choose You" movement, the American Cancer Society has teamed up with Hilary Swank as an executive producer for a documentary film that tells the emotional stories of three women and their journey of putting their health first.

According to the news release, the three women featured in the documentary include:

  • A busy business executive and mother of two boys who chooses herself by following her doctor’s recommendation to finally undergo an important cancer screening test based on her family history.

  • A cancer-survivor who strives to be a role model for her young daughters by living an active and healthy lifestyle.

  • A single woman working toward being more physically active as she recovers from cancer and searches for her “Mr. Right.”

  • The documentary film is scheduled to be released online on June 23, 2011, at, where women can join the movement and make a commitment with an online pledge in one of five different health categories: eat right; get active; get recommended health screenings; protect your skin; and quit smoking.

    To see a preview of the "Choose You" documentary film, please click play on the video below.

    Do you Choose You when it comes to your health? Will you be making an online pledge at If so, which health category will you be making a commitment to?

    See more: cancer health celebrity