All Entries For cancer

10 Tips for Preventing Colorectal Cancer

Following these 10 tips will keep your colon healthy and help prevent cancer.
Posted 4/26/2013  6:00:00 PM By:   : 14 comments   28,774 views
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8 Things Your Dermatologist Won't Tell You

Make more informed skin-treatment decisions with these under-the-surface secrets.
Posted 10/15/2012  6:00:00 AM By:   : 56 comments   429,553 views
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Does Red Meat Really Cause Cancer?

Find out Dietitian Becky's take on the latest study linking red meat and cancer.
Posted 4/26/2012  2:00:00 PM By:   : 75 comments   41,873 views
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VIDEO: Dear 16-year-old Me

It's important to remember to protect our skin from the harmful rays from the sun, along with tanning beds. We're sharing a video about melanoma cancer and how it can affect anyone
Posted 7/15/2011  2:00:00 PM By:   : 36 comments   21,348 views
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VIDEO: Choose You!

Did you know that one in three women will get cancer in her lifetime? The American Cancer Society created the Choose You movement to help us take action and change this statistic.
Posted 6/22/2011  10:00:28 AM By:   : 17 comments   14,248 views
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'Exercise Helped Me Beat Breast Cancer'

Beth is a wife, mother, SparkPeople employee and breast cancer survivor who has an important--and inspirational--message to share about the healing power of exercise.
Posted 7/19/2010  6:17:37 AM By:   : 106 comments   32,145 views
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Is Your Sunscreen Doing More Harm than Good?

A new report says that your sunscreen may be hazardous to your health.
Posted 6/2/2010  6:00:00 AM By:   : 59 comments   25,687 views
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April is National Cancer Control Month

Cancer rates are rising at an alarming pace across the globe making it even more important to embrace healthy habits now.
Posted 4/21/2010  4:41:21 PM By:   : 76 comments   19,417 views
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Diet and Exercise May Prevent 1/3 of Breast Cancers

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women. New studies are highlighting the large role that lifestyle plays when it comes to breast cancer risk.
Posted 4/9/2010  6:10:43 AM By:   : 61 comments   30,395 views
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Give Up the Fake Bake: Tanning Beds Cause Skin Cancer

A new report is classifying tanning beds as "carcinogenic to humans." So perhaps the "bronzed-beauty" look is no longer worth the serious risks to your health.
Posted 8/7/2009  10:21:52 AM By:   : 165 comments   28,921 views
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The VITAL Study is Coming!

Ever think about being involved in a nutrition research study? An upcoming study may provide you with the opportunity.
Posted 7/9/2009  10:46:45 AM By:   : 44 comments   20,599 views
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Young and at an Increased Risk of Colorectal Cancer?

Colorectal cancers are a common type of cancer for U.S. adults. New findings suggest a 17% increase over the last decade in those under the age of 50. Are you at risk?
Posted 6/25/2009  6:35:19 AM By:   : 37 comments   15,756 views
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