Walk a Mile & Sculpt Your Arms, Right at Home

By , Jessica Smith, Certified Personal Trainer
Who says you have to bundle up and brave the elements to take a walk? With this multi-tasking session, you can step and sculpt from the comfort of home.

Combining upper-body strength training with walking-based moves, this low-impact, moderate-intensity workout is suited to all levels. Whether you're bouncing back after an injury, looking for a lighter activity for recovery days or just venturing into the fitness arena for the first time, this 20-minute routine is the perfect mix of cardio and strength. Grab some space in your home and a set of light dumbbells appropriate for your personal fitness level and join me for a walk that you'll feel great about tomorrow morning. 

To challenge a different set of muscles, be sure to check out the one-mile, lower-body circuit walk here

Did you enjoy this walk? Check out my new DVD, "Walk On: 10-Minute Quick Walk Mix," featuring six 10-minute walking segments (including our "Abs and Arms Walk") plus our bonus chair stretch! 

About Jessica Smith
As someone who struggled to lose weight for years, Jessica Smith found that the key to her own 40-pound weight loss was making small, healthy lifestyle changes, which led to big, lasting results. Now, as a certified wellness coach, fitness instructor and personal trainer, she has spent the last 15 years helping students and clients reach their goals in New York City, Los Angeles and Miami, and now reaches millions online through her YouTube channel and home exercise DVD series. Visit Walk on Walk Strong to learn more about her fun, results driven programs for all levels of exercisers.