Quick Tip: Eat Slowly When You're in a Group

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Last night, I attended a benefit at one of our city's finest Italian restaurants. I found myself faced with two hurdles: 1. An overflowing Italian bread basket, complete with a half-dozen versions of mini focaccia, breadsticks, fresh-made bread and ciabatta. 2. Courses that were smaller than expected.
My initial urge, as I'm sure many people's would be, was to gorge on the bread and gobble down each course in a few bites.

I did eat three mini focaccia (but I've been diligent in my workouts this week and ate light today to compensate). House-made and fresh, they were worth every bite! However, with the smaller (read: appropriately portioned) courses, I took an alternate approach. I chatted between bites, took special attention in constructing each bite and set my knife and fork down between bites.

By the time dessert (a mini chocolate cupcake with a molten center) came around, I realized I was full and could only manage half of it.
Those small portions, when eaten slowly and over more than 20 minutes (the amount of time it takes for your brain to tell you you’re full), were just right.

Fit Sugar and I are on the same page today. That blog posted a Healthy Eating Tip about eating in groups. Check out her tips; they're quite good!

With Thanksgiving coming up next week, these tips are going to come in handy. How do you manage to keep yourself from eating too quickly or eating too much when you're in a group?