Bread Salad: A No-Cook, 10-Minute Meal

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Panzanella is an Italian salad that can be found on trendy bistro menus in the hot summer months. I'll share a secret with you: This salad was invented when times were tough, as a way to use up stale bread.

Essentially, you make a salad--traditionally with plenty of fresh tomatoes--toss it with a vinaigrette, then add cubed stale or toasted bread just before serving. You can toast up a day-old baguette or fresh bread, depending on what you have in the kitchen. The bread soaks up all the delicious juice from the tomatoes and the tangy vinaigrette. The rest of the summer-fresh vegetables add crunch and freshness.

NOTE: If you're watching your sodium intake, reduce the amount of feta or omit it.

  • Rub a garlic clove on the bread after toasting for instant, healthier croutons.

  • Instead of cubed bread, you could add two cups of cooked grains (couscous, millet, bulgur, quinoa, or brown rice) or even a small whole-wheat pasta (like orzo or ditalini).

  • Customize this salad to suit your palate, using what you have on hand. This is a recipe that leaves plenty of room for interpretation. Add more tomatoes, toss in some drained and rinsed cannellini beans, or add some oregano. This is a chance for you to be creative!

  • Serve this salad with grilled chicken to boost the protein. For a meat-free meal, add a can of drained and rinsed chickpeas or cannellini beans (white kidney beans) to the dish.

You might notice that we have a new set for the videos. It's my family's farm in Kentucky. We headed there to shoot some videos and promos for the SparkPeople cookbook, which Stepfanie and I have been working on for months! The tomatoes, some of the herbs, and the peppers came straight from the fields that morning.

View the recipe and comment on the video here.

Have you ever made this salad? If so, do you do anything to personalize it?