Olympic-Themed Fast Food and Soda Commercials

By , SparkPeople Blogger
There have been a lot of great commercials airing along with the 2008 Beijing Olympics…including a lot for fast food and soda.

By now you've probably all seen the Coca Cola commercial that has been airing regularly, as well as a few McDonald's commercials, featuring athletes holding and biting into their chicken sandwiches:

These major companies are big sponsors of the Olympics, and I'm sure they do a lot to help fund a lot of athletes, their families, and more. But what do you think about soft drink and fast food companies lining themselves up with the world's best athletes? Do you think it encourages people drink soda or eat fast food even more? When Coca Cola's ad states that by drinking Coke you've helped support an Olympic athlete, does that make you feel better about your beverage choice? Do you think the athletes pictured really rely on the foods they're advertising?

I have mixed feelings about these messages. I think that most people are keen enough to see through advertising like this. But I can't help but think that these companies are trying to make their products seem healthier than they are by showing them in relation to athletes, and some people (especially kids and teens) might not be as aware of the marketing that's going on. I am big fan of this Nike one, which features a motivational song by The Killers: