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Gear Up: SparkPeople's Fitness Starter Kit

By , SparkPeople Blogger
The right gear goes a long way in not only motivating you to work out and reach your fitness goals. You don't want to waste your money (especially in these hard times), and you want to know that what you buy will really work. So when SparkPeople asked me to help create a Fitness Starter Kit for people to use at home, I was all over it! We had three main criteria: It had to be effective, durable and affordable. And trust me on this—it's all that and more! If you're re-thinking that pricey gym membership or want to get fit without going broke, the Fitness Starter Kit can help you reach your goals.

SparkPeople's Fitness Starter Kit (just $29.99) includes everything you need to start and continue a solid fitness program! With hundreds of exercise options, including my brand new workout DVD, you'll be able to use this kit as a beginner or advanced exerciser. I handpicked these products because of their high quality and affordability. The Kit includes: a stability ball (with a pump), a medium resistance band, a pedometer, and my new workout DVD, which includes two full-body workouts using the equipment in your Kit. Check it out here:

I've seen similar products on the market, but they don't come close to the quality and affordability of this one. Plus, it's from SparkPeople—a company that you know you can trust. To purchase your own Fitness Starter Kit, visit the brand new SparkPeople Store.

Would you buy SparkPeople's Fitness Starter Kit? Why or why not?

ETA: Because of popular request, the DVD alone is also available in the store. Check it out!