Does Organic Food Really Taste Better?

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Conventional vs. organic: Which is really better? You hear both sides of the debate all the time. Organic proponents say that their food is better for your health, the planet and animal welfare. Conventional producers say they can produce more food per acre, and that synthetic fertilizers and pesticides are harmless. You could probably find 100 scientists who could each cite 100 different studies for both sides of the "Is organic really better?" debate.

But what about taste? Some people claim that organic food has more flavor than conventionally-grown food. Taste is a subjective thing though—how can you really measure that in scientific terms? Well, a groundbreaking study has done exactly that and the results are in. Which tastes better, organic or conventional?

To see the results of the study, watch the video below. If you have trouble viewing the video here, please click here to see it on YouTube.

According to Hammy the Hamster, organic tastes (or at least smells) better 60% of the time. You can learn more about this "experiment" at the Website

OK, OK. I know this wasn't a real study. And there was nothing scientific about it AT ALL. But it was so darn cute I had to share it!

Now tell us: Do you agree with Hammy the Hamster's choices? Do you think organic food tastes better?