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Coach Nicole's Fitness Starter Kit DVD Now Available!

By , SparkPeople Blogger
When I told you about the SparkPeople's awesome Fitness Starter Kit, your comments were overwhelmingly positive. But we noticed a trend: Many of you had all or most of the Kit's equipment already and wanted to purchase just the DVD, not the whole Kit. Loyal readers, we heard you loud and clear. I'm happy to report that you can now purchase my Fitness Starter Kit DVD in the SparkPeople Store!

The SparkPeople Fitness Starter Kit DVD is on sale for just $10. It contains two full-body workouts: one that uses a stability ball and another that uses a resistance band. These short and effective workouts are easy to fit into your day. I designed them exclusively for the SparkPeople Starter Kit, which means you can't get these workouts anywhere else!

Click here order the Fitness Starter Kit DVD today!

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