6 Weeks In, How Are Your Resolutions Going?

By , SparkPeople Blogger
It's easy to start the New Year with lots of momentum and enthusiasm for the coming year. You probably set some goals related to improving your health or becoming a better person. It's been about 6 weeks since the New Year started, and now is the time when motivation can start to wane. Before the excitement of 2010 begins to wear off, let's revisit those goals. Are you staying focused? Do you need to make some changes to your game plan? Do you even remember what your New Year's Resolutions were?

I thought I'd start off by sharing my goals, along with an update of how I'm doing. Some are going well, and others, well, I have yet to begin.

1. Slow down. I find myself living life at a very frantic pace, always busy and stressed out about something. This year I'm trying to slow down and enjoy things a little more- especially where my kids are concerned. And so far, this one is going okay. I'm doing better at prioritizing. For example, what things can wait so that I have plenty of time to read to the kids before bed? What things am I doing that I just need to stop altogether? At the very least, I'm more aware of the extra tasks I add to my day to make it more chaotic.

2. Lose some fat and get stronger. Running is my primary form of exercise (and probably always will be.) But I know that if I want to see results, I have to mix things up. So I've started incorporating some new strength training workouts into my routine, and I'm already noticing a difference.

3. Read at least 5 books this year. So far I've read 1 ½. (Of course the one that's completed is The Spark.) I'm already ahead of schedule on this one.

4. Focus on the positives and stop worrying so much about everything. I don't have the worrying in check yet. Step one will be to develop a plan for how to go about that. The plan is on my "to-do" list.

How are your resolutions going? What are you doing to keep yourself on track all year long? Any tips you'd like to share?