SparkPeople Slideshows

12 Foods to Eat for a Healthier Ticker

12 Foods to Eat for a Healthier Ticker

By Becky Hand, MS, Licensed and Registered Dietitian
Stop focusing on all the foods you can't have, and start adding more of these healthful and delicious foods to your meals. Eating for a healthier heart never tasted so good!

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Salmon and Other Fatty Fish

These coldwater fish are one of the richest sources of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fats can decrease your risk of arrhythmias, reduce your triglyceride levels, decrease blood pressure and slow the formation of plaque in your blood vessels. Enjoy at least two servings of fish weekly, preferably fatty fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring, sardines, and lake trout. For more tips on picking the healthiest types of fish, click here.

Serving Tip: Grill salmon and glaze lightly with your favorite BBQ sauce during the last 5 minutes of cooking.

15-Minute Fish Recipes