SparkPeople Slideshows

10 Portion Control Pointers

10 Portion Control Pointers

Written by Sarah Haan, Registered Dietitian

With portions ballooning to extreme sizes, it's sometimes tough to stick to what we know are proper serving sizes. Eating contests, "value" meals and bags that contain "30% more free" all contribute to our environment of excess. You've chosen to fight back and take control of your portions. Great! It's a key step to weight management and will make you feel powerful in your food choices. Use some of these methods to help control the crazy portions so you can reach your goals.

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When you're at home, whip out your measuring cups and spoons and start sizing up your portions before you eat them. This isn't something you’ll need to do forever, but it's a great place to start. Do you really know what a 1/2 cup of rice looks like once it’s poured onto a plate? Try measuring out your sizes for a few weeks until you get a good grasp on how much to serve yourself to get that proper size.