Beat the Recession Blues with SparkPeople!

Tough economic times make everything in life harder--including maintaining your healthy lifestyle.

Instead of dwelling on the negatives like bankruptcies, foreclosures, layoffs and cutbacks, SparkPeople is focusing on helping people maintain their healthy lifestyles and look to the future. We aren't trying to make light of the dour economic situation, but we are striving to be a ray of hope that can help people maintain a positive outlook.

SparkPeople has created two teams that will help you make lemonade from this lemon. Join the Beating the Recession Blues SparkTeam or the Laid Off But Staying Strong SparkTeam today.

Beating the Recession Blues

Money worries, job insecurity, high prices--all of these can make maintaining a healthy lifestyle harder than ever. You can let these worries and difficulties turn you into an emotional eater, sidetrack your exercise plans, and generally sabotage your weight loss or fitness efforts. Or you can use them to fine tune your healthy living skills and take your lifestyle to another level.

It's a lot easier to do this when you have some help and support--and when you know your own efforts can also help other people.

That's what this team is all about: sharing stories, tips, information, and strategies we can all use to solve problems, keep each other motivated, and reach our goals.

Laid Off But Staying Strong

Getting laid off, especially when it's unexpected or on short notice, can send shockwaves through every aspect of your life. The added stress of worrying about your finances and your future can make dealing with all your other responsibilities, goals, and projects (including weight loss and healthy living) quite a bit harder as well.

But this can also be a great opportunity to take stock of where you've been, where you are now, and where you want to go from here. It's an opportunity to establish clear priorities, set short- and long-term goals for yourself, and work out strategies for accomplishing those goals. The more you keep yourself looking ahead towards what you want, the more energy and creativity you'll have for making that happen.

What are your short and long term goals? Have you come up any good strategies for keeping yourself moving towards them? This team can help. 

More resources

Looking for more support? Trying to get out of debt? Check out these additional SparkPeople resources, which are all 100% free:

Financial Fitness Lifestyle Center: Money problems can affect your health and well-being. Learn to save money, make a budget, and live healthier for less. Find articles, quizzes and more.

SparkGuy's Savings Jar Club SparkTeam: For anyone looking for motivation to save money/reduce debt. See the message board in Other Groups Forum by the same name for more info--happy savings!

Debt Haven SparkTeam: Are you struggling with debt along with weight? This is a place to be free of those struggles, to connect with others experiencing similar issues with money and together achieve a debt free life.

Frugalists and Simple Living SparkTeam: Team for anyone interested in living frugally, simply or just wants to lose weight with friends! Come join us!