Reach Your Goals with SparkCoach

Hello SparkPeople!
I can’t tell you how excited I am to tell you about a feature that's sure to help many of you get one step further toward your healthy-living goals.
SparkCoach is our premium feature that is the culmination of three things: your feedback, our decade of experience helping millions of people lose more than 20 million pounds, and our mission to help millions more reach their goals.
So what is SparkCoach? Glad you asked!
SparkCoach is a revolutionary program (we’ve never seen anything like this!) that acts as your virtual coach, helping you get the most out of all the free tools already available on Think of SparkCoach as your own personal weight-loss coaching dream team! With SparkCoach you’ll get:
  • Unlimited access to virtual coaching with step-by-step guidance and feedback
  • A structured, daily program that features premium video instruction from our top health & fitness experts
  • Ongoing motivation, accountability, and rewards  for your hard work
  • Direct access to our experts with our “Email a Coach” feature
 Why SparkCoach?

1. One of the things that we often hear is “SparkPeople is amazing, but it can be very overwhelming, especially for new members.”  SparkCoach is going to greatly simplify (and enhance!) your SparkPeople experience, whether you just joined the site, or you’ve been a member for 3 years.
Over the past 10 years, we’ve learned a tremendous amount about what actually works, what doesn’t, and what challenges you’ll face along your journey. We built SparkCoach to help share all of this with those who need that extra push beyond our free resources.
While we’ve already helped millions of people, we’ve only just begun to scratch the surface. I firmly believe that no other company in the world is better positioned to help America (and the world) battle obesity and live healthier lives. That’s why we spent a significant amount of time and resources building SparkCoach!
Is SparkCoach free? Is SparkPeople still free? is, and always will be, free. We aren’t changing any of the free tools and resources that have always been free. SparkCoach is a premium feature that is completely optional, designed to take your program to the next level. 
Because of the time and resources it took to develop SparkCoach (including paying salaries for our coaches and hiring a professional video crew to film the videos)—and because we still have the best FREE website on the planet—we will be charging a small monthly fee to use SparkCoach.  Our goal is to provide a great service at a value price.

BUT, because we’re so excited about the potential SparkCoach has to help millions of people, we’re giving everyone (who wants it) free access for one full week.  We want you to experience that SparkCoach is a world-class coaching program.

I love SparkPeople! What can I do to help?

If SparkPeople has helped you reach any of your goals, or if you are currently struggling with your goals, I have a simple favor to ask. Give SparkCoach a try for one week. It won’t cost you a dime (we won’t even ask you to get out your credit card!), and it might change your life (just as SparkPeople has already done for millions).
Beyond that, you can help us Spread the Spark.  Share SparkCoach (and SparkPeople!) with anyone that might be struggling with a weight-loss goal. We all know how challenging and intimidating weight loss can be; let SparkPeople help!
If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, don’t hesitate to send them to

Chris “SparkGuy” Downie
SparkPeople Founder and CEO