A lifelong Cincinnatian, Melissa earned a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from University of Cincinnati before breaking into the online content field in 2000. As a Digital Journalist for SparkPeople, she enjoys helping others meet their wellness goals by writing about all aspects of healthy living. An avid runner and group fitness addict, Melissa lives in Loveland with her guitarist husband and three feisty daughters.

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The 60-Minute Workout is Dead

An hour might not seem like a long time when you're catching up on your favorite Netflix show, reading a great book or enjoying dinner with a friend. But if you're new to the fitness scene, a consecutive 60 minutes of exercise can feel like an eternity.
Even a seasoned gym-goer who loves getting their sweat on, might have a jam-packed schedule that makes finding time for an hour-long workout feel like acrobatics in itself.
For decades, we've been conditioned to accept the “power hour" as the acceptable length of an effective workout. Most gyms and fitness studios tend to offer their classes in 60-minute increments. It's easy to fall into the all-or-nothing mentality, assuming that it's not worth the effort of changing your clothes and driving to your destination if you don't have a full hour to commit to spinning, yoga, weight lifting or whatever happens to be your activity of choice.
Fortunately, that "hour or bust" school of thought is quickly getting debunked. Experts agree that the quantity of movement isn't always important, but the quality always is.

Posted 1/16/2018  12:00:00 AM By:   : 153 comments   51,651 views

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Spark Spotlight: Crystal (SHESHNA)

At SparkPeople, we love helping people accomplish big goals—but we believe it's equally important to celebrate the small successes along the way. Each week in the Spark Spotlight, we'll check in with a featured member about his or her proudest moments, biggest challenges and advice for others on living, thinking and feeling healthier. We hope these quick snapshots will help motivate you to keep moving steadily toward your own goals, week by week.

This Week's Spotlight: Crystal (SHESHNA)
Age: 34
Location: Niceville, Florida
Occupation: Full-time mom and student

Crystal's Small Success of the Week

What’s your overall goal?

To not be stuck only reading numbers on a scale. Feeling good and making progress counts for everything.

How has SparkPeople helped you?

Spark has helped me by showing me that there are so many other people out there going through the same struggles. None of us are alone in our journey.

What's your biggest challenge?

My biggest challenge has been juggling being a mom and a full-time student while trying to stay active along with eating healthy. Meal prep is an essential part of my journey, hence using SparkPeople for meal tracking.

What advice do you have for someone who just joined SparkPeople?

Everyone starts somewhere, so don't get discouraged by others' success. You are worth it. Knowing what you're eating will change how you look and feel; SparkPeople's food tracking can be a valuable asset to long-term success. Tracking progress with measurements and photos will provide a motivating visual.

Want to be the next small success we spotlight? Share your successes on the goal feed or in the comments below, and you might be the next person we contact!

Posted 1/15/2018  12:00:00 AM By:   : 20 comments   7,530 views

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How Matthew Abandoned Binge-Eating & Lost 80 Pounds

Two years ago, at just 25 years old, Matthew (NEOMATTLAC) weighed more than 320 pounds and had been battling depression for years. He'd been using food as an emotional crutch, often binge-eating to mask his feelings. Determined to repair his physical and mental wellness, Matthew embarked on a journey toward health, fitness and freedom. Today, with the help of SparkPeople and his other support systems, 27-year-old Matthew is 80 pounds lighter in weight and immeasurably lighter in his outlook on life.

Posted 1/12/2018  12:00:00 AM By:   : 69 comments   36,834 views

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5 Ways Meal Prepping Can Help You Lose Weight

We've all heard the line about "failing to plan is planning to fail," and when it comes to healthy eating for weight loss and maintenance, it couldn't be more accurate. You can exercise all day long, but if you're not eating the right foods (or if you're eating too much of the wrong ones), all the hard work in the world won't be reflected on or off the scale. And poor dietary choices are almost always a direct result of not having a plan. 

Posted 1/11/2018  12:00:00 AM By:   : 72,541 views

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What Our Members Are Saying About SparkPeople Premium

It’s been a little over a year since we launched SparkPeople Premium, the optional paid upgrade that provides enhanced tools and support to help you knock out your goals. Beyond the obvious benefit of making your screen an ad-free zone, Premium gives you access to advanced reporting, weekly emails from coaches, daily motivational videos and more.

We think Premium is worth every penny, but don’t just take our word for it. Read on to discover what real members are saying about the upgrade.

Posted 1/11/2018  12:00:00 AM By:   : 82 comments   20,136 views

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9 Resolutions That Make You Happier, Not Skinnier

The ball has dropped, the confetti has been swept up and the proverbial slate has been wiped clean—leaving most of us to start off 2018 with a few extra calories in the bank (thanks, eggnog and fruitcake) and a renewed determination to stay the course toward a healthy, happy spring.
Love them or hate them, resolutions go hand-in-hand with the new year. Nearly half of all Americans make them, and in a Nielsen survey, 32 percent of people listed shedding pounds as their top goal. It's great to strive for a healthy weight—but who says your resolutions always have to involve the scale? In addition to variations of the same old pledges to burn more calories than you consume, consider choosing some goals that focus on happiness instead.

Posted 1/9/2018  12:00:00 AM By:   : 171 comments   40,393 views

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Spark Spotlight: Fredielyn (MARINGAL)

At SparkPeople, we love helping people accomplish big goals—but we believe it's equally important to celebrate the small successes along the way. Each week in the Spark Spotlight, we'll check in with a featured member about his or her proudest moments, biggest challenges and advice for others on living, thinking and feeling healthier. We hope these quick snapshots will help motivate you to keep moving steadily toward your own goals, week by week.

This Week's Spotlight: Fredielyn (MARINGAL)
Age: 64
Location: Marin County, California
Occupation: Interior Designer

Fredielyn's Small Success of the Week

"Taking the tiny moments of appreciation and gratitude of the hard work it takes to continually make my life the way I want it to be. Accepting that sometimes I truly have no control over the outcome of life’s lessons. Walking with grace, holding my head up high and living life to the fullest."

Posted 1/8/2018  12:00:00 AM By:   : 18 comments   5,232 views

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10 Ways a Health Coach Can Help You Finally Achieve Your Dreams

Some people dream of traveling the world, owning a business or scaling Mount Everest. Others dream of having a family, finishing school or learning to walk after a traumatic injury.

And then there are the millions of people whose dream is to lose weight and find their way to a healthier lifestyle. This might seem like a piece of cake next to some of those loftier goals that involve, say, climbing 29,000 feet. If you're struggling with slow, stubborn weight loss, though, you know that this seemingly simple dream can sometimes feel about as accessible as that mountaintop.

Posted 1/8/2018  12:00:00 AM By:   : 34,943 views

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Spark Spotlight: Geri, The Comeback Kid

At SparkPeople, we love helping people accomplish big goals—but we believe it's equally important to celebrate the small successes along the way. Each week in the Spark Spotlight, we'll check in with a featured member about his or her proudest moments, biggest challenges and advice for others on living, thinking and feeling healthier. We hope these quick snapshots will help motivate you to keep moving steadily toward your own goals, week by week.


Hometown: Ontario, Canada
Age: 50

What's your overall goal? 
My overall goal is to not go to extremes when it comes to losing weight. Every year, I would lose weight, get healthy and skinny and then immediately gain back the weight. Either I didn't know my limits when it came to eating my indulgences, or I couldn’t maintain a healthy lifestyle long-term. 

Posted 1/1/2018  12:00:00 AM By:   : 24 comments   12,641 views

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How Debra Conquered Pain and Chased Down Success

Some of our success stories are dramatic. They focus on people who have achieved triple-digit weight loss, performed at Carnegie Hall or overcome a food addiction. But not all accomplishments are larger than life. The smaller successes deserve some fanfare, too—in fact, without the tiny triumphs, the grand ones wouldn't be possible.
Debra (DEBRAJ61), 56, runs a home-based crocheting business in Enfield, Connecticut. The wife and mother of three first joined SparkPeople in 2009, but due to some unique medical issues, her activity has been sporadic. This year, after a recent pain-relieving surgery and a renewed love of running, Debra is pleased with her progress and confident about the future.

Posted 12/29/2017  12:00:00 AM By:   : 101 comments   27,879 views

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We Slimmed Down SparkPeople's 9 Favorite Comfort Foods

Let’s face it: Food gives us all the feels.
As much as we advocate eliminating emotional eating through smart strategies like meal planning, food tracking and finding healthy outlets that don't involve a fork, there's no doubt that our culinary cravings are linked to our feelings. Whether it's Grandma's apple pie, a perfectly roasted Thanksgiving turkey or a refreshing ice cream cone on a hot summer day, our favorite foods don't simply fill our bellies and please our palates—they also evoke sentiments and memories of special times in our lives.
Unfortunately, most of our so-called "comfort foods" aren't so warm and fuzzy when it comes to our calorie counts or our waistlines—but that doesn't mean you have to completely purge them from your meal plan. With some creative modifications in the kitchen, you can enjoy healthier versions of your favorite "cheat meals" without breaking a single dietary rule.

To prove our point, we asked SparkPeople staffers to share their favorite comfort foods, and then we got down to the business of finding some healthier replacement versions.

Posted 12/22/2017  12:00:00 AM By:   : 77 comments   38,701 views

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How Josie Is Beating Anxiety With the Power of Health

Josie from Arkansas (HAPPYDOES) has been on her weight-loss journey for nearly 40 years—but it's a journey that hasn't always headed in a healthy direction. It's taken some twists and turns, some ups and downs—and, at times, has come to a screeching halt. Now, at almost 58 years old, with the help of SparkPeople, Josie feels that she's finally found her way.

Posted 12/6/2017  12:00:00 AM By:   : 113 comments   29,583 views

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30 Ways Alexa Can Help You Lead a Healthier Life

Move over, Siri and Google Assistant, there's a new A.I. in town and her name is Alexa. Well, not new, exactly (the Amazon Alexa has actually been around since November of 2014) but the digital personal assistant is quickly transitioning from a rare novelty to a more mainstream technology. Surveys have found that ownership of Alexa has grown by more than 70 percent in less than a year.

Alexa, which powers devices like the Echo, Echo Show, Tap and Dot, is a woman of many talents. Not only can she track sports stats, adjust your home's thermostat and manage your Google calendar, but she can also help you get and stay fit. While you can't instruct her to do your workout for you (pity), Alexa offers plenty of fun, futuristic ways to stick to a healthy diet and exercise plan.

Posted 12/6/2017  12:00:00 AM By:   : 140 comments   83,426 views

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25 Diabetes-Friendly Desserts to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth

So, just like 29 million other people in the country, you have diabetes. You're learning to live with the condition—eating healthier, exercising and maybe even taking medication to keep your blood sugar within a safe range. You're determined to keep your diabetes under control, rather than letting it control you.  
And then…the holidays.
Here comes November, the start of the sweetest season of all. There's a festive flurry of office parties, family dinners and neighborhood gatherings—and all of them seem to share one common thread: scrumptious, sugary desserts.
Where does that leave you?
When you're diagnosed with diabetes, sugar instantly turns into a four-letter word, and cookies, cakes, pies and other sweet treats become taboo. But with smart recipes like these, you can still enjoy your favorite desserts (in moderation, of course) without putting yourself in the danger zone.

Posted 12/5/2017  12:00:00 AM By:   : 101 comments   67,541 views

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20 Classic Rock Songs to Power You Through Your Next Workout

From running to spinning to yoga, every workout has its own natural rhythm. Whether it's marked by footfalls on pavement, pedal strokes or a pattern of inhales and exhales, the cadence helps us stay tune with our bodies, our breath and our heartbeat. Most likely, this is why music is such a common—and, for many, essential—exercise companion. The beat keeps time with our movements, engages our minds and makes each workout seem a little less like work.

Posted 11/28/2017  12:00:00 AM By:   : 109 comments   83,002 views

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