A lifelong Cincinnatian, Melissa earned a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from University of Cincinnati before breaking into the online content field in 2000. As a Digital Journalist for SparkPeople, she enjoys helping others meet their wellness goals by writing about all aspects of healthy living. An avid runner and group fitness addict, Melissa lives in Loveland with her guitarist husband and three feisty daughters.

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The Truth about Turmeric: Miracle Spice or Myth?

If you're a fan of Asian or Indian food, you've likely consumed turmeric. Derived from its namesake perennial plant grown throughout India and in parts of Asia and Africa, the bright orange spice has been used medicinally in various parts of the world for thousands of years. On the culinary side, it’s most commonly used to lend its warm, bitter taste to curry powders, cheeses, butters and mustards.

Posted 8/8/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 102 comments   126,281 views

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Discover the Body-Transforming Power of Battle Ropes

Most people who belong to a gym have their "go-to" machines and gear that they feel comfortable and confident using. For some it's the treadmill or the elliptical, while others make a beeline for the free weights or machines. But then there's the other equipment that most people politely avoid—the slightly scary-looking stuff, like the giant tires, the weight lifting power racks and, of course, the battle ropes.

Posted 8/2/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 63 comments   97,740 views

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The Only Pilates Primer You Need to Read

Maybe you think Pilates is just a fancy name for stretching. Perhaps you're terrified of all those positions and contraptions. Either way, there's more to this effective exercise than meets the eye. Whether you're using a mat or a machine, Pilates helps to improve your strength, flexibility, balance and posture.

Posted 8/1/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 43 comments   50,622 views

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12 Tantalizing Tomato Recipes You Must Try

All hail the tomato! Not only are they delicious, they're chock full of health-boosting antioxidants, carotenoids, potassium, vitamin A and vitamin C, and could even help reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer, according to WebMD. Plus, you can get your hands on tomatoes all year round.

While you can always just slice a tomato, add a little salt and enjoy, there are plenty of more creative ways to turn this versatile fruit into the star of a satisfying meal.

Posted 7/29/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 51 comments   64,880 views

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Farmers Market Finds: 11 Top Chefs Share Their Favorite Recipes

If you frequent farmers markets to stock up on fresh produce, you could be rubbing elbows with more than just local vendors. More often than not, some of the country's top restaurant chefs are featuring recipes that incorporate fresh, seasonal ingredients from local farms. As we head into late summer and early fall—the prime season for finding fruits and veggies at the peak of their freshness—we asked some acclaimed chefs to share recipes that are showcasing their farmer's market finds.

Posted 7/25/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 43 comments   39,655 views

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The Takeout Trap: 6 Cooking Excuses You Need to Stop Using

In a perfect world, we'd all have fully equipped kitchens stocked with fresh, nutritious ingredients, along with plenty of time, skill and inclination to whip up healthy and delicious meals for our families. But this is reality, where our best cooking intentions often get thwarted by hectic schedules, demanding jobs and—let's be honest—lack of interest (or a self-perceived lack of skill). This can all too often lead to ordering takeout, which is almost never budget- or waistline-friendly.

Posted 7/20/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 40 comments   69,433 views

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10 Crowd-Pleasing Recipes to Take Your Grilling Game to the Next Level

Getting burned out on burgers and hot dogs? As we head into the heart of summer, elevate your grilling game with these 10 amazing recipes that are sure to turn up the heat at your next backyard bash.

Posted 7/15/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 44 comments   51,709 views

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Get Up & GO: How a Gaming App is Inspiring Accidental Exercise

SparkPeople's tech team gives the Pokemon Go app a whirl.Have you caught Pokémon fever yet? Since the July 6 release of the free Pokémon Go app, gamers across the country (including SparkPeople's very own tech team, shown at right) have been roaming the streets, parks and shopping malls while staring down at their phones—but for once, it's got nothing to do with texting.

Posted 7/12/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 26 comments   15,757 views

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Bacon or Bust: Should You Skip Breakfast?

Rise and shine, or rise and dine? For decades, eating breakfast on the daily has been heralded as the cornerstone of a healthy diet, with countless studies linking morning meals to everything from better academic performance to more efficient glucose metabolism to reduced risk of heart disease. For many, it provides the necessary fuel to tackle an early workout or demanding workday. If you're trying to slim down, breakfast has also been shown to give you an advantage in the weight loss department.

Posted 7/11/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 71 comments   63,321 views

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Surprising Lessons Learned at 'Weight-Loss Camp'

If you would have asked Joe Panarella a year ago if he would ever consider attending a weight loss camp, he probably would have laughed. Although he weighed more than 400 pounds, he had no interest in making a change, and was perfectly content with continuing along the same unhealthy path he'd followed since adolescence. But his friends and family refused to give up. Today, Joe is the first to admit that his three-week stay at the Pritikin Longevity Center could very well have saved his life. This is his story.

Posted 7/6/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 102 comments   95,747 views

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Shedding the Stigma: 9 'Weight-Loss Camp' Myths Debunked

Maybe you've tried everything you can think of to lose weight—counting calories, cutting carbs, tracking steps, joining a gym and countless other tactics—but nothing has worked. Perhaps you've lost a few pounds, and then gained them right back. You might stick to a healthy diet for a few days, only to have a moment of weakness that sends you spiraling back to your old ways. Maybe you feel too heavy, too tired, too old or too pained to exercise.

Posted 6/30/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 60 comments   59,809 views

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22 Unexpected Ways to Create Unbelievable Zucchini Dishes

The zucchini is sort of a vegetable hero. Chock full of vitamins, fiber, potassium and other nutrients—as well as a laundry list of health-boosting antioxidants—it delivers both a health and flavor boost. Plus, since it contains a mere 30 calories per medium-sized zucchini, it plays well with any diet plan.

Posted 6/28/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 63 comments   106,429 views

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Smart Substitutions to Avoid Summer's Worst Calorie Culprits

Summer is back, and it's brought with it all of its usual accomplices, such as backyard barbeques, poolside lounging, beach vacations and amusement parks—none of which are particularly known for their healthfulness. But that doesn't mean you have to let your goals melt in the hot sun, nor does your social calendar have to suffer. Whether you're headed to a family reunion or a fun-filled festival, it is possible to make healthy (okay, healthier) choices. Read on for your guide to smart summer sustenance.

Posted 6/27/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 16 comments   51,831 views

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29 Race Signs That Had Us Laughing All the Way to the Finish Line

When our Spark team ran the Flying Pig half marathon in May, we loved seeing all of the inspiring, clever and downright funny signs the spectators held up along the course. When you're losing steam with five miles still to go, a clever, eye-catching message can provide just the motivation you need to make it to the finish line.

Posted 6/23/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 75 comments   118,950 views

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Lessons From a Trainer Who Put on 50 Pounds to Help Others Lose Weight

We all have our own unique goals for health and wellness, but losing weight is often high on the list. Considering how difficult weight loss is for most people, it's hard to imagine intentionally packing on the pounds once you've reached your goal—but that's exactly what Seth Kaufmann did.

Posted 6/21/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 57 comments   89,450 views

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