A lifelong Cincinnatian, Melissa earned a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from University of Cincinnati before breaking into the online content field in 2000. As a Digital Journalist for SparkPeople, she enjoys helping others meet their wellness goals by writing about all aspects of healthy living. An avid runner and group fitness addict, Melissa lives in Loveland with her guitarist husband and three feisty daughters.

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40 Amazingly Easy Recipes with 5 Ingredients or Less

How many times have you cracked open a cookbook or clicked a recipe link only to think, "Forget it, that's way too complicated" before opting for takeout? When you're short on time, energy and money, a long list of ingredients can be daunting enough to thwart even the noblest of cooking intentions. Before weeknight chaos renders the drive-thru dangerously appealing, allow us to introduce some of our favorite recipes that require five (or fewer) components. Don't let their simplicity fool you: These dishes are low on hassle, but high on flavor.

Posted 5/15/2017  12:00:00 AM By:   : 99 comments   81,554 views

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Are Compression Garments Worth the Squeeze on Your Wallet?

If hearing the term "compression garments" calls to mind Grandma's not-so-stylish orthotic pantyhose, it's time to expand the definition. These days, it refers more to the fitted sleeves and socks that hug the legs of runners, walkers, weight lifters and other active folks, enticed by the promise of greater endurance and accelerated recovery. Often seen in neon colors and fun patterns, these functional garments can really brighten up a race course—but do they offer any real benefits beyond their fashion factor?

Posted 5/12/2017  12:00:00 AM By:   : 94 comments   48,534 views

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7 Fun Ways to Visually Track Weight Loss Progress

When you're focused on losing a certain amount of weight, it's easy to fall into the trap of getting fixated on (or even obsessed with) the scale. Although there's nothing wrong with moving and meal-planning with the goal of reducing that number in mind, paying too much attention to a daily readout at your feet can actually send your motivation into a downward spiral.

Posted 5/12/2017  12:00:00 AM By:   : 207 comments   143,305 views

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12 Things You Should Never Say to Yourself

"If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."
At some point, we've all been on the receiving end of that golden nugget of advice from well-meaning parents, grandparents and teachers, and most of us follow it—at least when it comes to talking to other people. You'd never dream of telling your co-worker that her pants are unflattering for her figure or suggesting to your sister that she's too heavy to register for a 5K race, but you seem to have no problem saying those same things (or far worse) to yourself.

Posted 5/3/2017  12:00:00 AM By:   : 214 comments   150,953 views

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How Much Exercise Do You REALLY Need to Lose Weight?

It's not exactly earth-shattering news that exercise is essential for shedding pounds. Along with proper nutrition and a calorie-moderated diet, regular activity is a critical piece of the weight-loss equation—but how much? If you feel like the gym has become your second home, or if you're spending more hours walking, running or doing fitness videos than hanging out with your family, you might be overdoing it. Conversely, if your daily exercise consists of a 15-minute stroll around the block, you might need to ramp up your efforts to see real results.
Fortunately, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) has provided some scientific guidance so you don't have to rely on guesswork.

Posted 5/2/2017  6:00:00 AM By:   : 1514 comments   1,770,233 views

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The 8 Best Cookbooks for 8 Popular Healthy Diets

These days, with exciting new recipes just a click away, we've come to rely less on old-school cookbooks and more on computers, apps and mobile devices for finding delectable dishes. Technology can be a great tool for reaching your nutrition goals and connecting with an online community, but there are times when it's just nice to relax and flip through the pages of an honest-to-goodness cookbook in search of healthy eating inspiration. Plus, when you're throwing together ingredients in the kitchen, it's often easier to refer to a hard-copy recipe instead of scrolling down a screen.

Posted 4/25/2017  12:00:00 AM By:   : 135 comments   55,142 views

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Create the Perfect Picnic with These 25 Recipe Ideas

Weight loss is no walk in the park—especially in spring and summer, when it seems like you're constantly surrounded by calorie-packed cookouts and patio parties. But there's no reason your healthy lifestyle has to wilt in the sun. With some smart pre-planning, you can stick to your nutrition plan at the park, the pool, the beach or your own backyard.

Posted 4/21/2017  12:00:00 AM By:   : 112 comments   53,960 views

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You're NOT Too Heavy for Yoga!

If your idea of yoga is a stick-thin woman gracefully contorting herself into pretzel-like poses without breaking a sweat, it's time to shift your perspective. One of the things we adore the most about this ancient fitness practice is that people of all sizes, shapes and skill levels can reap its many physical, mental and spiritual benefits. Wherever you are on the path to your goals, yoga is a great way to stretch out after running, to relieve chronic aches and pains or to squeeze in an impromptu workout from your office chair.

Posted 4/20/2017  12:00:00 AM By:   : 278 comments   359,828 views

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33 Unexpected Ways to Use Your Muffin Pan

If the muffin isn't the world's most perfect food, it's definitely in the running. Because it's pre-portioned, it's easy to indulge your cravings in moderation while staying within your target calorie count (but watch out for those oversized, calorie-filled muffins you can find in grocery stores or coffeehouses). Muffins are also perfectly portable—you can easily enjoy them as an on-the-go breakfast, toss them in your lunch bag on the way out the door or serve them as kid-friendly after-school snacks.

When you think of muffins, you probably think of bananabran or blueberry—and those classic options are all mouth-watering in their own right—but there are plenty of unconventional ways to put your muffin pan to work. Which of these yummy ideas would you like to try?

Posted 4/5/2017  12:00:00 AM By:   : 141 comments   74,755 views

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Do Essential Oils Live up to the Hype?

Even if you've never used essential oils, you probably know someone who swears by them. Derived from plants, these highly concentrated oils can be applied topically on the skin or inhaled through aromatherapy—all with the goal of enhancing physical and mental wellness.

Posted 4/3/2017  12:00:00 AM By:   : 176 comments   69,936 views

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12 Entertaining Podcasts to Get You Through Your Next Workout

Even with all the right mantras, plenty of motivation and a killer playlist, there will inevitably be days when your walk, run or workout feels like it's moving in slow motion. Thanks to technology, your very own on-demand entertainment is just a few clicks away. A motivating podcast can do wonders to speed up an exercise session and keep your mind engaged—maybe even inspired—from the first step to the last.

Posted 3/31/2017  12:00:00 AM By:   : 149 comments   94,260 views

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10 Essential Tools to Buy Before You Start Gardening

Have you always admired other people's gardens, while bemoaning your own lack of a green thumb? Does it seem like gardening would be too expensive, too time-consuming or too difficult of a hobby to pursue?
Tending a garden is a great way to grow your own high-quality produce and beautiful blossoms while also burning calories, busting stress and getting some beneficial fresh air. Just like the right kitchen equipment takes the hassle out of cooking, having good gardening essentials on hand will make your planting debut easier (and cheaper) than you might think. The best part is, you don't have to plant a money tree to afford these simple basics.

Posted 3/29/2017  12:00:00 AM By:   : 108 comments   51,775 views

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8 Amazing Goals You Can Achieve in the Next 8 Weeks

If you're just starting a long weight-loss journey, it can be tough to keep up your motivation week after week, much less month after month, or even year after year. We all know that slow and steady wins the weight-loss race, with "get thin quick" schemes often proving to be unsustainable or even downright dangerous. That said, acknowledging some small, short-term victories can help maintain your momentum along the way while setting you up for success, short-term goal by short-term goal.

Posted 3/27/2017  6:00:00 AM By:   : 313 comments   193,589 views

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65 of the Most Motivating Mantras

Most of us are surrounded by voices. Spouses, doctors, trainers, kids, workout partners—all of them have their own tips, advice and opinions (some helpful, some not so much) about what we should do to lose weight, get fit and lead healthier lives. But when was the last time you listened to your own voice? We all have an inner monologue—and it's more influential than you might think.

Posted 3/17/2017  12:00:00 AM By:   : 244 comments   120,782 views

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Why Every Kitchen Needs a Cast Iron Skillet

If deliciousness had a sound, it would surely be the sizzling of a hot skillet. Whether you're preparing fajitas or omelets, a stir fry or a frittata, the skillet is just as essential an ingredient as the meat or veggies.

While there's no shortage of skillets to choose from, not all of them are created equal. You can opt for the traditional coated non-stick version, durable stainless steel or, of course, cast iron—otherwise known as the Cadillac of skillets.

Posted 3/14/2017  12:00:00 AM By:   : 135 comments   62,798 views

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