All Entries For vitamins

In Post-Menopausal Women, 'the Sunshine Vitamin' is One to Watch

Vitamin D, the 'sunshine vitamin,' has quite an important role in the body--and we continue to learn more about it. A deficiency can affect your bone health. Protect yourself!
Posted 1/25/2012  10:00:00 AM By:   : 38 comments   29,368 views
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Are You Getting The Most From Your Calcium Supplement?

Following a few simple recommendations can ensure your body receives full benefit from the calcium supplement you take.
Posted 3/21/2011  5:24:33 AM By:   : 43 comments   29,518 views
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New Update Encourages Increase in Vitamin D

There have been many conflicting studies and reports over the last decade related to calcium and vitamin D. Learn about the new IOM findings and recommendations.
Posted 12/13/2010  11:04:51 AM By:   : 36 comments   20,073 views
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Folate Levels Influence Depression Symptoms

Healthy diets and fortified foods provide adequate folate. Could there be something keeping your body from using it appropriately that increases depression susceptibility?
Posted 10/11/2010  6:00:00 AM By:   : 21 comments   23,976 views
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