All Entries For success with walking

How One Couple Worked Together to Lose 267 Pounds*

Walking and food tracking helped Steve and Debbie reclaim their health and energy.
Posted 2/10/2015  12:00:00 AM By:   : 99 comments   66,305 views
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Justyna Lost 65 Pounds with a Little Help from Her SparkFriends*

Learn how someone barely able to walk took control of her life and health by learning you can never fail at SparkPeople, you just keep practicing until you get it right!
Posted 3/30/2014  12:00:00 AM By:   : 62 comments   45,350 views
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Mia Walked Off 100+ Pounds*

After overcoming thyroid cancer and infertility issues, Mia discovered a love of walking that helped her lose over 100 pounds and reclaim her health.
Posted 12/1/2013  12:00:00 AM By:   : 45 comments   30,692 views
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Cerise Lost 61 Pounds--Read Her Story in 'First for Women'*

Cerise lost 61 pounds using SparkPeople. Now she's sharing her story with 'First for Women' magazine. Learn her secrets to success!
Posted 10/4/2013  12:00:00 AM By:   : 8 comments   23,835 views
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Down 72 Pounds, Crystal is a 'Fun Mom'*

After a lifetime of being overweight--and hearing her boys call her "lazy"--Crystal had enough. She decided to lose weight--and she's down 72 pounds!
Posted 8/4/2013  6:00:00 AM By:   : 68 comments   33,621 views
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Former Figure Skater Reclaims Her Fitness*

Motivated by her 30th high-school reunion, Pattie decided to get fit and lose weight once and for all. Now she's 54 pounds thinner.
Posted 7/28/2013  6:00:00 AM By:   : 58 comments   31,650 views
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Sparking Others Helped Her Lose 142 Pounds*

Barbara June once struggled to walk, and now she's kickboxing thrice weekly! Find out how she shed 142 pounds by putting herself first--and helping others, too.
Posted 7/21/2013  5:00:00 AM By:   : 141 comments   41,589 views
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Success Story: Using Food to Fuel Fitness*

Meet Tara, one of the success stories from The SparkPeople Cookbook: Love Your Food, Lose the Weight." Find out how she curbed her sweet tooth and learned to cook!
Posted 1/31/2013  6:00:00 AM By:   : 31 comments   28,931 views
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